Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rina Burst Open Performer

Astrology and Venus.

"I am Venus.
E 'with me for the first volta il tuo cuore ha battuto guardando altri occhi…e sono io che l’ho fatto battere più forte quando altri occhi hanno incontrato i tuoi.
Ogni volta che il tuo cuore si risveglia sono con te, e sono sempre io, in attesa, quando il tuo cuore si richiude per non soffrire.
Sono colei che ti insegna ad amare ogni cosa che fai, ogni gesto che fai…ad amare la vita, ed è insieme a me che puoi gioire quando il tuo cuore è aperto!”

Ciao :-), che te ne pare come inizio..?
Avrai già capito di cosa parleremo oggi, ma ci sarà una bella sorpresa vedrai…
Innanzitutto guarda come sono diventato bravo e come pubblico ormai un post ogni 15 giorni, anche se questa volta ho avuto un aiutino ;-).
Infatti oggi è un giorno speciale per questo Blog perché per la prima volta pubblicherò un Post scritto da un'altra persona.
Addirittura ne pubblicherò due, uno oggi e uno domani che sarà la continuazione degli insegnamenti che tra poco comincerai a leggere… altrimenti questo post sarebbe diventato troppo lungo!

Io sono normalmente restio a troppe collaborazioni perché è difficile che il mio pensiero e i miei insegnamenti coincidano perfettamente con quelli di altre persone, e poi essendo così perfezionista… ma in questo caso ho fatto una eccezione alla regola molto volentieri, anzi sono stato io a proporre questa iniziativa.
Quindi write to you today the legendary Lombardi Marta, which was my first teacher of Astrology but especially the Rider-Waite Tarot .
course is also a good friend besides being my first history teacher :-).

This idea of \u200b\u200bcollaboration came to me considering that I wanted to talk about sexuality from the point of view of astrology, and being the Martha one of the best astrologers living in Italy (and I'm not exaggerating!), Who could give us even better than her vision ...
Furthermore, as is my style, I always try to optimize everything and "combine business with pleasure even, so I organized Post in the publication of his correspondence with his presence on 11 and 12 December in our RadicieAli center, so do a little 'advertising ;-).
Marta Lombardi will be available to an individual session of Evolutionary Astrology Experiential.
If you click on the "blue words" go to the page of our website where there is a broad explanation of the wonderful work that Martin proposes, as well as his biography.
In broad terms I can tell you that in these meetings you can feel in your body (this is called experiential astrology) act as your map of the planets Christmas, how they affect your life e il tuo comportamento...
Così potrai provare ad incontrare e sentire anche l'energia della tua Venere, attivandola nella tua vita e nelle tue relazioni.
Un lavoro tostissimo che la Marta ha portato, con grande successo, qui da noi un fine settimana di Ottobre ed è per questo che replicheremo l’esperienza a Dicembre.

Prima di iniziare e lasciare spazio alle sue parole, devo necessariamente fare una premessa sull’Astrologia!
Innanzitutto vi prego di evitare commenti del tipo ma “l’Astrologia non è una scienza ufficiale”, “ma bisogna credere a queste cose perché avvengano”, ecc… ecc…
Questo non è un post dedicato alla discussione astrology!
Also because, as I have said several times, is not a question of belief / skepticism, but it is a matter of experience ;-).
Astrology is an exact science, the point!
Influence of Energy of the Planets in our lives is undeniable, as it is undeniable that a good astrologer can, doing your Christmas card (ie, reading how the planets were positioned at the time of your birth), give precise indications of what are your developmental blocks and what to do to overcome them.
And I'm not talking about the horoscope you read in newspapers etc ... Of course it is very true, however

Astrology Psychics who together are the "Ancient Science" least understood and applied worst in our history! :-(
Finding a good astrologer like a good and professional fortune-teller, as it is difficult to do the lottery!
E 'in this reality, the true subject of any discussion about astrology, or of how to find a good one. .!?
But now you do not care, I've found it for you ;-) and you can feel calm or suspicious because, as I am picky and perfectionist ... people / therapists / teachers who can advise you, there are on the fingers of one hand!
That said, Marta Lombardi is one of them ;-).

Post ... We come to you first calculate where you have Venus in your Christmas picture, and to do this just to go to one of the many sites of Astrology and enter your birth date, birth time and place (and perhaps to see where Venus was, do not even need all this data ..!?), and then the site will be calculated on the sign that this planet was at the time of your birth!
the symbol that identifies Venus, that's what you see here on the side. After the words of Martha
you list the qualities and issues that have Venus in a given sign means, but you must also consider that you can not "disconnect" from the influence this Planet any other of your Natal Chart ... so even if they are the right information, they are still partial information ..! ;-) But
understand the influence of your Venus, will help you understand some of your dispositions / attitudes that affect your relationships, your sexuality and everything related to the expression of your femininity.

Today we will talk about this important fact Archetype and Energy, that of Aphrodite or Venus just as the Romans called it.
If you follow me for a while 'time you know that in reality I have so often spoken of Aphrodite, Archetypal Psychology as well as the inner self, comparing it to the Empress of the Rider-Waite Tarot .
I recommend it if you have not yet read my ebook "The awakening of the Goddess", download it free here at the top right ;-).
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the eldest daughter of the goddess, after Gaia (Earth) and is born from the drops of semen of Uranus, the sky, and castrated by his son Cronos falls in the ocean.
Venus was born from the sea foam ...
As the first born of Zeus, head of the Olympian gods, Aphrodite is the goddess who most embodies the powers of the Feminine Pagano Archaic and pre-Olympic or pre-patriarchal. Then reactivate
this energy in your life can help you overcome every block and unconscious conditioning that patriarchal religions have taught you, life after life ...: - /
Venus carries the energy of beauty, fertility, sexuality, of being in love creativity and more powerful, because they still subservient to the male patriarchal power.
Women who are in contact with the archetype of Aphrodite, are in full possession of power, pleasure and sensuality of the female first.
As Venus was born from the waters emerging from the depths of your unconscious can emerge at any time this wonderful Goddess of Seduction, you just have to start conoscerla !!!

Ma ora lascio la parola alla mia maestra Marta:

Incontrare Venere è incontrare il nostro cuore.
Attraverso di lei possiamo contattare la nostra parte più Alchemica.
Nel cuore tutto si può trasformare… ogni dolore, ogni angoscia può diventare risorsa, può diventare forza.
Se lei vive, noi siamo vivi e possiamo amare, gioire, vivere intensamente ogni emozione. Questo si chiama vivere nella totalità!
Ciascuna Venere espressa nei vari elementi assume intensità diverse, incarnando la leggerezza dell’Aria, la solidità della Terra, la fluidità dell’Acqua e l’intensità del Fuoco.
Each of us is called to recognize his own Venus, to take her hand and let her to accompany us in this wonderful journey called life ...
When the energy of Venus is active and well integrated in our lives it gives us a good relationship affective with the outside world, the ability to love and to enter into a relationship, contact with the heart, resonance energy, aesthetics, creativity, fertility, sensuality, power of seduction, attraction power / magnetism, hedonism, pleasure.

the map may be native Venus in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), in the signs Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in the signs of Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
Depending on the item in which Venus lives, will become acting different energy donated by the element itself.
Now I will make a list, sign to sign, the quality and limits the energy of this extraordinary planet brings into your life!

Venus in water signs, Cancer + Scorpio + FISH.

Venus in Cancer:
Express your emotions in a sensitive, protective and tenacious.
You need to nurture and be nurtured. You are very sensitive and vulnerable in the affairs of the heart. You need to be part of a family to be comfortable.
prefer to share power with others within a narrow family circle. Flip easily moods of others. The feeling has for you the utmost importance. You have a great desire for understanding and attention.
Your sensitivity is tricky. You are tender and affectionate. Your need to please
ed'intimità may be hampered by sadness, shyness, self-protective feelings too, closed. You have a passive attitude and a dreamer. You are inclined to value the past and cling to the memories.
Your love is idealized and romantic. You have little sense of initiative.
Your sensuality is enhanced but hardly evident.
're capable of great dedication and zeal. Have a great importance to family values \u200b\u200band traditional. Try to love the house. You have a strong maternal instinct.
looking for a partner that knows how to build yourself a nest.
If your Venus is in the sign of Cancer, the evolution of life is your challenge:
"You can come out of your shell, do not linger longer in the memories and let go of the past."

Venus in Scorpio:
Express the emotions intensely, passionately, obsessively, with extreme feelings. Your emotions are deep, intense and passionate.
emotional exchange generates creative energy and transformative
Your emotional needs may be hampered by the inclination to secrecy and reluctance to trust others. Need to penetrate deeply into a relationship with intense emotional force to feel close to each other.
Experience the passion with exclusivity and extremism, so visceral and total once the initial distrust. In te affectivity is closely linked to sexuality to which I attach particular importance. Draw the complete knowledge of the being you love. You have a taste for seduction. Ami unusual and complicated situations. You tend to look for love torment. Difficult to live with the love light-heartedness. Exercises a magnetic power that is unaware chapter the chosen prey. Looking for a strong partner who can tolerate your mood swings and your innate jealousy.
If your Venus is in Scorpio, your evolutionary existential challenge is:
"You can also give important aspect impersonal and non-possessive love."

Venus in Pisces:
Express your emotions with sensitivity, kindness, understanding and empathy.
Can you give selflessly.
Your empathy arises from the ability to identify with the feelings of others. You feel a deep need for harmony magical and romantic. Need to mix and merge with the other person. Your wishes
a volte sono sfocati e vaghi. Sei vulnerabile nelle “faccende d’amore”. Tendi ad idealizzare le persone amate e l’Amore stesso. A volte vivi amori platonici. La tua sensibilità affettiva è molto intensa. La tua emotività è esasperata. Possiedi senso poetico. Sei capace di sacrificio e devozione verso chi ami. Vivi passioni esaltanti e totalizzanti.
La tua intuizione è molto forte. Vivi una certa tendenza alla fuga dalla realtà e tendi a confondere i confini fra te e gli altri. La tua mancanza di discriminazione ti impedisce a volte di avere relazioni solide. Cerchi un partner dolce che ti sappia comprendere, proteggere e guidare.
Se la tua Venere è nel segno dei Pesci, la tua sfida evolutiva esistenziale is:
"Learn to distinguish clearly between reality and dream."


Interesting is not it ..? It 'also ready the rest of this list with all the other Zodiac Signs 9, and tomorrow the public ... Well
's all for today and I just have to send my usual hug from the heart :-) Simon.

PS: remember that you can leave a comment "astrological" below, and Martha and I will answer you ... just that is inherent to the theme of Venus!
Consider also that the work of Marta is primarily experiential and very theoretical, so she is not inclined to do so ... bla bla bla ... ;-).


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