Friday, December 24, 2010

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Hello :-) I'm here to write the last post of 2010.
Another year has gone along with this blog and my baby is in better shape than ever, as the rest of my mind! ;-)
We are almost there in 2000 to members of Newsletters and I'm really proud of the contents that are "dropped" through my articles, and yet how many things I have to say ...
E'proprio a great experience with this Blog, and I'm really surprised by his success, though I think that until 2007 not even know how to start up a PC
... I am also very happy to have met through this site, many wonderful people get to know and work with me from different parts of Italy and even abroad (France, Switzerland and Mexico): -0 .. amazing!
And you what are you waiting to see me in my new center ;-)

said that today I continue to write on the topic of sexuality, but since this afternoon (finally) go to Florence from my parents and I take a well deserved and needed short breaks, I have little time and then I'll make a post that will be a little 'the sequel to one entitled Sexuality and inner selves. I feel this is a key point to dissolve the blocks that people have about sexuality, and then do this study also using a "technical vision" to be stronger!
But first, a summary of what we have written so far on the topic sexuality, in order of publication:
3) SEXUALITY 'AND' Interior.
4) What do women want?
5) Astrology and Venus.

Well now take a moment to look good and these images ...

Tell me ... ti è venuto qualche desiderio sessuale guardando queste foto? Non credo proprio! Se ti venuto, hai dei problemi grossi..! :-)
Allora quale è il messaggio che vorrei trasmetterti?
Ogni foto rappresenta un Sé Interiore che abita dentro di te, come in tutti noi… e che non è in alcun modo connesso con il sesso!
Se è attivo/a dentro di te energeticamente, puoi scordarti di entrare nella sfera della sessualità/sensualità! :-/
Quindi devi imparare a conoscere questi Sè nelle loro qualità, nei loro limiti ma soprattutto devi sapere quando è il momento di disattivarli nella tua vita perché you need not always, on the other hand if you can not boycott them off heavily.

You are perhaps the spiritual self when you have sex? I think not ... The activation and deactivation of your inner self is a process that you start unconsciously every day of your life. For example when you drive your car. Ask yourself who drives your car inside? Normally you turn off your Inner Child and Self-drive with more "adult", or at least should be so ... if not, accidents happen: - /.
I hope you get the idea that I wanted to convey: This on / off of the Inner Self will keep on coming into us in an automatic and unconscious. Unfortunately, this process does not happen in all areas of our lives, and very often not in sexuality! : - /
In other posts I have written of how deep conditioning, especially religious ones, they go against our peace, happiness, inner development and expression of our dreams and energy.
I never tire of saying how every "my" teaching and the Voice Dialogue, are deeply connected to their principles to Taoism, but in their application are very Zen! certainly do not want to write a post about what Zen is because I have the credentials, io lo intento qui semplicemente come la capacità di attivare i Sé giusti al momento giusto della nostra vita, disattivando dentro di noi le Energie/Voci Interiori che non servono.
Sono convinto al 100% che questo processo sia la chiave di volta non solo della nostra Evoluzione ma anche della nostra crescita in ogni ambito della nostra vita! Facile?
No, perché nessuno ce lo ha insegnato e molte “forze oscure” desiderano mantenerci nell'ignoranza di queste leggi del "funzionamento umano" per renderci deboli e quindi manipolabili… ma, come dico sempre, difficile non è impossibile!
E’ una questione di A)scelta , intesa come prendere la decisione di porre attenzione in this process -B) experience, meaning to try so that this process does not become an automatic positive ... C) discipline, perseverance in understanding how to pay attention to what you're experiencing.
Remember that the universal trick is to spend as much time in your life is the spirit and the matter is that the duty to pleasure, both body and mind! ;-) But let's see what

inner selves are represented by images, in order of publication: 1) the pope
2) The Spiritual Self 3) The Self Angelici then ... define it selves religious / spiritual, as I wrote in ' another post, are connected with your higher chakras and are not related to your sexuality. Indeed, the obstacles and are even antagonistic because they have inherited from past lives and incorrect vision that sex is a sin etc. ... they also have great importance in your life because you give the connection to the Universal Laws, you remember what that is right and wrong, as well as connect with the Angels and Guides disembodied.
You need to take root and short, however you live your sexual experiences, so be careful and remember that for every hour in your life dedicated to prayer / meditation / magic should match or at least an hour of good sex for food from your own more carnal, material and practical! ;-) Otherwise grow up without roots, and you will be destined or inevitable in your life to fall ...

continue the list of images: 4) Child or Vulnerable + 5) Child or Playful . As I have written several times in the past, maybe kids should be involved in sexuality? Of course not! Reread my post on vulnerable child and you'll know what I mean ... anyway, must learn to manage asylum nest inside you otherwise your life will always be a mess. : - /
who works with me knows how I insist on the fact that the inner work to become "parents themselves" , it considers the most important of all.
in January will be a seminar in Switzerland right on the Inner Child, click here for details. So for me to understand well, the intimacy with your partner can also take place through the complicity of the Inner Child knows that self-giving, but they should never cross the threshold of the bedroom! Otherwise
goodbye to sex ...

Go ahead: 6) Warrior / soldier and 7) Queen of Swords.
inner selves are very useful, one to protect you in your life, and the other to manage the household, for example, or of practical affairs in general But neither of these aspects of your personality have the ability to energetic connection with others and so if you are identified with these inner voices is unlikely to manifest your or your Aphrodite Dionysus ;-).

We come now to all the inner selves that live in your rational mind, or in the left hemisphere of your brain: 8) activist 9), the Inner Critic 10) the Knower psychological and 11) reasoning.
The activist is the part of you living and working is completely disconnected from the needs of your body.
If you are identified with your activist, very common thing between us in the West, you can work 12 hours a day going to pee even once a day ... his motto is "I bend but not break me." So when an "activist" comes home, man or woman, the only thing I want to do is to go to bed to sleep! Sex with your partner goodbye: - /

Inner Critic I do not write anything, because you can go directly to reread Post my , suffice to say that he'll never be enough female or male, attractive or sexy enough .... The Knower

Psychological terminology in the Voice Dialogue is the inner self that lives in the purest rational mind and feeds the books. Think of the classic "mice" from the library and understand what I mean ;-).
It 'important to read in life, but in moderation!

Finally I put the Inner Accountant, an inner voice that is very important but for the sake of yourself or, manifestala only when you're at work or when you go to the bank ... etc say that from 19 onwards is an inner self that you must turn off completely in your life, otherwise your libido will never go out ...

Well, I'm done and I escape to take the train to Florence ... I hope with all my heart a good Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family and your loved ones :-).
A hug from the heart, Simone.

PS: course you can write your comments below and I'll answer, with a little 'more calm than usual but I will! ;-)


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