Monday, February 14, 2011

Remington 870mcs Modular Combat Shotgun

February 13, 2011 Happy Valentine's Day and

Ciao :-)
Scrivo oggi questo post non previsto per festeggiare con voi tutte/i il fantastico successo della manifestazione delle donne di ieri ;-)
Finalmente le coscienze collettive si stanno risvegliando sempre più anche in Italia e, come auspico da molto tempo, i vecchi poteri si stanno sgretolando!

Purtroppo ieri non ho potuto partecipare in any event because I had a group of seven women and one man, but now I had an hour of time and I felt like celebrating this event! I'm really pleased with the success of the event :-).
I do not think that those who are mad at the government will import some of what has happened and in their blindness and ignorance will not change any of their strategies nor do they in any way put into question ... but this is obvious and must not discourage us because it is from them that will change but the basic unit of society, or from us.

I can write a summary of what they said our guide in recent years about the time of planetary awakening we are experiencing:

In late October 2008 said that the government of the psycho-dwarf (just to mention even his name ;-)), would begin to collapse after two years ... if you remember and weigh its crisis began in November 2010!
It is still in power only because of its collusion and because he has the courage to go to the polls ...

2) have always said that change had to come from raising consciousness and women, moving the "squares". This also because the energy of 2011 was favorable for the fall of dictatorships that still exist in the Western world ... just see what happened in Egypt ;-)

3) Even all astrologers (the good ones) I know, confirm that from March of 2011 and for several months in Italy will be playing a very important energy transit! Just to be clear, very similar to that which led to the French Revolution ... then you're ready / or a lot 'of changes.

Well, my break is over and then I salute you with my usual hug and sincere from the heart :-) and (almost forgot) you do best wishes for a wonderful Valentine's evening with your mate momentaneamnte and if you're single, do not despair because the era of Love is getting closer and soon you'll love you too ;-)

PS: this week are really too busy, but next to Wednesday or Thursday, I will write a new post on sexuality! :-)


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