Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sv2000 Dvd Vcr Recorder Manual

The Aphrodite and orgasm.

Hello, here I am :-)
This time several days have passed since the last post but I've been really busy with my groups, and today is the first day off that I have, after almost a month: - / and I'm going to write the article for you, think about how I love my readers ;-).
Well, let's start now because the 'other Post was like a summary of everything I've written so far on the subject of sex and the awakening of sexuality in women and in this ... began directly to talk about sex and certainly will not miss critical scontenterò my words and some of my readers. fact since I started my blog to address in this taboo subject for men and Italian women, I had a nice surge of cancellations in the list of iSegretiDelleDonne and also a decline in the notes to Post ... but everything was as expected and confirms unfortunately the pressures are still strong and blocks about sexuality.

I recommend if you're a new reader or a new player, I remind you that this blog is designed and written a book and then you should read my articles from first to last in order of publication, otherwise you will have more difficulties to understand and digest the contents of which I have offered ... This is a blog that has the intent profound (and perhaps also the presumption) to help dissolve your conditioning. It is not a blog to read so much to distract them and collect a bit 'of information, just to pass the time. It 's a great opportunity for growth that the Universe is offering you through my words, my experience and the lessons that I had all these years of hard inner work ... take advantage of it, but remember that you have to go from theory to practice! ! Especially when it comes to sexuality ;-)

Before you start re-write a summary of the "summary of previous games" that I did in ' Last Post:
But what are the fundamental differences between men and women in the approach to sex?
From what I observed in my personal life and in my "therapeutic experience, women usually have sex to get attention and energy to the men and give it to their vulnerable children, while men give this attention and energy to get in change sex!
women tend to be exhibitionists, voyeurs and the men ... men should learn to feel emotion through sexuality and women should learn to live with pleasure for what it is, separating it from attachments that romantic love carries with it ... to sum up, Italian women would become "more sexual" while the Italian men "more sensual."
Men often have sex for off steam while a woman needs to download the tensions in another way, before having sex!
shared, as a problem, women and Italian men have to have an excess of thought (although different types) while the practice of sex and therefore both need to learn how to "remove the head" while doing the 'Love! There is a need
for everyone to exercise the right to activate the inner self in sexuality, or Dionysus and Aphrodite and learn to manage the stress of everyday life, which is one of the most inhibitors of sexuality!
But most importantly it is essential that all may learn to become parents themselves taking care of your inner child, keeping them away from the bedroom!
Perhaps the most important difference is inherent in the erogenous zones, or sensitive body parts ... sexual arousal in humans, apart from a little 'neck and nipples are mainly sensitive to the genitals, while the women are scattered a bit 'all over the body.

Ho sempre detto che la donna è “una macchina sessuale perfetta”, anche se questo paragone non piace a tutte le mie lettrici… e nei miei precedenti 8 Post ho dimostrato come nelle ultime migliaia di anni si sia tentato in tutti i modi di far “dimenticare” questa verità, inserendo ogni Forma Pensiero possibile per bloccare inconsciamente l’espressione del piacere nelle donne.
Senza parlare dell’ignoranza che gli uomini in generale hanno nei confronti del femminile, e della mancanza di rispetto che hanno nei confronti delle donne :-(.
Basta guardare al misero esempio che stanno dando i nostri governanti in questo momento… un vero schifo!!!
Da questo articolo and in the next post, I want to write instead of the fantastic potential that has the body of a woman as a "generator of pleasure and how to reverse this sad trend
Italian ... All my words, please, do not be taken as a further call the "battle of the sexes" but rather as an invitation to explore!
knowledge and exploration that my readers should do themselves, and a warm invitation to my readers to discover what women have to offer in all the manifestations of the goddess Aphrodite ;-).

Granted I am not a sexologist, but everything I write comes from my experience on the field and from what I have told my students / clients in over 2000 sessions ... let's start with a basic consideration:
men have only one way to have an orgasm or ejaculation, while women can have 4 different types of orgasms: -0! !

In humans the rate at which you reach orgasm and intensity vary from person to person, but how is that change for everyone ... even if a man can have over an hour or even 3 orgasms at best, but always after ejaculation is a release of tension and the end of the erection.
A woman can have; 1) vaginal orgasm, or with the penetration of the penis. 2) clitoral orgasm, or through the stimulation of the clitoris. 3) orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot and 4) orgasm through anal penetration.
All these different types of orgasms can also mix, for example when there is penetration a woman can caress the clitoris etc ... by giving other nuances of pleasure!
In most women after orgasm, do not have a headache issue physiological as well as men and therefore may have dozens of orgasms in one hour!
course, if the other side is a good partner and do not emerge the various psychological, to block all piacere :-/.
Inoltre, come ho detto nell’ altro Post , praticamente tutto il corpo delle donne è una zona erogena che può donare ulteriore piacere sensuale, se debitamente stimolato, accarezzato, leccato o baciato!
Quindi fai un po’ di calcoli e comprenderai perché dico che siete delle “macchine sessuali perfette” ;-).

La cosa tristissima però è quella di chiedersi se tutte queste informazioni (e soprattutto esperienze), le donne Italiane le hanno fatte? Tu lo sapevi?
Hai sperimentato alcuni di questi tipi di orgasmi e forme di piacere? Non credo, per tutti i motivi che ho scritto negli altri Post… e le statistiche ufficiali the amount of orgasms a woman has in a month, are depressing: - /.
think that practically until the second half of the '50s, the scientific community is still debating whether women could have an orgasm, crazy ..!
So do not feel guilty and for God's sake do not turn your Inner Critic, you want to repeat that women are not enough unless you have these experiences. It's not your fault / you did not know if these opportunities!
But the most important and beautiful is that you can retrieve it whenever you want ;-) I suggest starting with the board to all my students to practice more ... or the auto-eroticism and masturbation! The
principle is simple: you can not expect a man who magically come to know as a sexual stimulant, if you do not know your body and the pleasure that can give you.

always return to the "bad" example of the machine, the body of a woman is like a car kept in garage for a long time, and before you get a good driver that can drive up to its capabilities, we need that a good mechanic do a lot of maintenance and prepare for good!
And the mechanic must know the car is you, the pilot and driving it ...
Do not fall into the trap of thought-forms of 'romantic love (written lowercase), which tells you to wait for Prince Charming who will love you and will give you pleasure ... because you will lose your eternal life, I assure you, and I've seen it happen hundreds of times to friends and customers: - /. Believe me that's not how it works.
If you do not learn to love (written uppercase) in all directions and with all your senses, very difficult to attract a man who will love you. This truth is also true about sex!

To conclude this post I speak now of something strange and seemingly off-topic "from this blog and article ... but instead I find an interesting perspective to think about and indirectly confirms that I say.
Have you ever heard of Abductions?
It 's the term used to define the international abduction of humans by aliens for years now ... I'm interested in these events and I can assure you that they are waaay more often than a person can think, in the order of thousands per year and go on for ages.
Without getting too specific, these abductions are made from different races and with different aims, but very often for sexual purposes ..!
We agree that it is a bad, violent, etc. .. etc. .. but what I wanted to convey is this: we you realize that even alien races through space to venire a fare sesso con le donne Umane? Riflettici un po'…

Bene direi che per oggi ti ho sconvolto abbastanza ;-)
Nei prossimi Post comincerò a darti consigli sempre più pratici per conoscere il tuo corpo e riscoprire il tuo piacere.
Ricordati che possiamo aprire un dibattito nei commenti qui sotto, e non ti vergognare a lasciarli… un abbraccio dal cuore, Simone.

visita il sito della mia associazione RadicieAli per conoscere i corsi che tengo dal vivo :-).


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