Monday, March 7, 2011

Bogan Monopods Best Stick Ever!

March 8 Women's Day.

Hello :-) First I make wishes for the celebration of women, but now you know that for someone like me who goes every day to "celebrate" women, this holiday is not much ;-)
But I took advantage of the same for you another gift and, as promised, the second part of the wonderful public contact on sexuality that "my" Guide they gave us ... then, without delay, I wish you happy reading!

" What we want now is to make you understand what is the main rule, the new rule of the New Era.
see so far you have moved or breaking along reference rules, even the legendary famous Ten Commandments, but now everything is changing the rules in the New Age will be less because fewer rules means more awareness, more rules less awareness.
And this speech you can understand your company looking good, because where there are many rules you have lost the awareness of Universal Laws.
The Rules of the New Age are simpler; love and do 'whatever, in respect of yourself and of others. If
pursues the love in your life and give you the freedom to do what you want in relation to your body, yourself and the other, there are other constraints. This is the first step that we recommend.

The second rule is to make it deep into account the dispersion of the misuse of these energies, and we intend to misuse the lack of respect for their body, self and other.

So when there is this loss or misuse of sexuality, this careful, you have to understand what part of you has agreed to the conditions relating to sexuality and the negative attitudes that feed them.

These constraints probably in this historical context, as in your company knows our channel, as Simon teaches very well, are stronger for women because over the past thousands of years there was just one move, a completely identified, totally masculine in energy and therefore a distortion of this energy, an energy power take women.
These constraints have created perhaps the most secular blocs in women, a greater sense of unworthiness, a forgetting that the sexual energy is ultimately an expression of pleasure.
The pleasure potency of the moment of orgasm can be channeled in a vertical, then drive to the connection with the divine or given in a horizontal way in a moment of deep appreciation of the pleasure.
And we remind you that when we combine these due linee, nasce il simbolo della croce e ricordatevi la santità di questo simbolo.

In questo senso riscoprire questo piacere, riscoprire l’unità, riscoprire la gioia, riscoprire la sensibilità del proprio corpo e dei propri desideri, farà sorgere in voi una maggiore libertà riguardo al tema della sessualità e una maggiore consapevolezza di poter vivere queste esperienze in maniera anche gioiosa.
Vi stiamo parlando di una esperienza che crea qualità che vi rendono migliori, vi fanno crescere, migliorano le vostre energie, il fluire delle vostre energie, migliora il vostro sistema immunitario, migliora il sorriso che manifesterete intorno a voi perché migliora il vostro equilibrio. This will lead to the famous
balance between Heaven and Earth.
Remember to always display the tree as a sacred symbol and
remembering that every leaf and expression of your spirituality, but each root is like an experience in your so beautiful and healthy sexuality, and also your sensuality, which is the sexuality of your body except the gratification of orgasm.
Sensuality is a vibration in your body spread of well-being and pleasure also merge with the earth and the elements of nature, which is centered in the sexual act and not necessarily projected to orgasm. Your
walk, remember, it must be so, like a tree and think not to be able to evolve more denying this aspect of your development, your growth, because it is not good, is not useful, does not fit the law of minimum effort with maximum Evolution requires that result.
It is useless to try to live on the extreme sexuality, pushing the branches of your tree, your more spiritual aspects, without your roots are strong already, because this will trasformasi in a trap, even dangerous, for you.
Remember that you must give notice of all the Chakras and possibly grow more coherent and connected to each other, e non come in passato, quando molte scuole hanno manifestato la preferenza di alcuni Chakra su altri, avvalendosi di tecniche che stimolavano alcuni Chakra anziché altri.
Questo deve essere chiaro e importante, un atto importante di consapevolezza per voi.

E’ inutile parlare delle distorsioni della sessualità perché esse le conoscete benissimo, sono così lampanti nella vostra società che è inutile parlarne, abbasserebbe anche la vostra vibrazione in questo momento, e adesso è così positiva che preferiamo mantenerla così alta.
Intanto potrete comprendere benissimo come mai vi siano tuttora queste distorsioni, basta che ci riflettiate, basta anche che semplicemente comprendiate che are not all at the same developmental level.
Who uses sexuality in an overbearing or distorted probably is not your same level of evolution.
But the more each of you understands and manifests itself in a balanced, peaceful, happy and playful, their sexuality, reinforce a more thought-form that will replace the previous ones so harmful that they feed and which manifests itself as a sexuality that does not give but rather an end in itself, sucking energy from the other.
You must keep in mind, however, the third principle, which is to use your sexuality in a way of always sharing and so where there is the pleasure of your partner There is also your pleasure and vice versa.
You have to get used to conceive a sexual act as an equal exchange.

During the demonstration of energy through the orgasm, in that moment together your mind to a happy thought, a thought of Love.
So that thought will be amplified exponentially and therefore it is essential that you have a thought of Love, a unit of thought, a thought of pleasure at that time.
addition you can also use your blocks, take advantage of your weaknesses, take advantage of looking at what your limits are your taboos, looking at what your weaknesses are and use them to start a route, because comfort level with which you live your sexuality is a reflection of how you live your relationships with others.

In this sense, once again I say, use it all, do not waste anything, even your weaknesses do not waste it, you're not there to complain, but powered to use them to learn and improve themselves.
know, you also know your astrological aspect that influence your sexual habits and trends. They are the manifestation of your soul habit to re-express what he has lived in your past, then watch where your Venus is in your astral framework.
It will represent you, you will also indicate how Basic you can live your sexuality, but go beyond it as you put up and change your DNA, you can change the stars, your stars. Breathe

what you have been given and stay connected.
Sure you in the future, even in the new generation, choosing to live more freely the experience of sexuality by giving energy to an individual so completely at your partner, in a choice of monogamy or you can donate to experience your energy to more people but the important thing from our point of view is that there is a waste and misuse. Keep in mind that there is in the sexual always an energy exchange, and then suggest, however, to know your partner, you have at least an energetic connection with your partner.
We often see these encounters with casual partners, even in situations where it has been altered consciousness with alcohol, drugs, and these experiences are dispersive and the dispersion energy and the side effects are more than the pleasure one can receive . So we suggest that there is a connection with each other even at the level personnel.

From our point of view, which is our point of view, and then insist that it is still objectively subjective, we suggest in the New Age, and probably will per la maggior parte di voi, di vivere prima per più anni esperienze con diversi partner e dopo scegliere un partner definitivo a una età diciamo anche più avanzata. Inoltre dovrete comprendere e vivere questa esperienza anche in maniera separata dalla creazione, dalla volontà di manifestare un figlio.
Dovrete essere più onesti con voi stessi e decidere con più consapevolezza a quale scopo usate la sessualità e quindi, in questo senso, si potranno evitare ciò che chiamate gravidanze indesiderate.
Bene, per concludere questo lunghissimo contatto possiamo dire che esistono anche Archetipi o Energie Collettive o anche delle entità che sono adibite ad alimentare la Forma Pensiero di una giusta e corretta sessualità, and in this way you can pray quietly consult to the Divine for these topics and there will be those who will listen to your prayers, who will give you specific help for you.

with a blessing from our hearts, we send energy to understanding and appreciation. From our will send you strength and support. As the Angels of Love and serve God in Evolution!

Well, I hope you will be useful to hear these words and the energy of love that carried them ... I have nothing else to add I'm afraid that removing them ;-) then I salute you with my usually hug from the heart :-)

PS: I remember you you can leave your comments below and go see the upcoming events of my association RadicieAli ...


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