God and sex!
Hello :-) I'm here, this volta come promesso puntuale, a scrivere il capitolo 2 di questa lunga serie di Post dedicati al tema della sessualità e, come puoi già intuire dal titolo, si comincia a “fare sul serio”…
Mi immagino già quanti accidenti e attacchi prenderò dai soliti fanatici cattolici che girano nei Blog e, dal loro pulpito di arroganza, sentenzieranno contro ciò che ho scritto.
Ma premetto che ho il controllo sui commenti e ribadisco che nessun commento offensivo, volgare e incomprensibile verrà pubblicato!
Quindi, se hai questa intenzione, evitiamo di farci perdere tempo a vicenda, tu a scriverlo e io a leggerlo e cancellarlo, grazie ;-).
Chiarito questo punto, ricomincio da dove I left and I reiterate a fundamental truth that I wrote another post:
"We are not free in our choices in every area of \u200b\u200bour lives, because we are deeply influenced by a subconscious level Family entanglements, from bad example, social , from childhood traumas and religious influences. "
Remember that any lie or repeat plays for so long, will be implemented by your subconscious as truth and made manifest in your life as wrong behavior!
During these almost 2000 years the domain of "thought forms" Catholic, they have been endlessly repeated so many lies about our relationship with sex, we all have lived many lives and impregnated by "our" these lies: - /
Our soul has been persuaded to being separated from the body and instincts in the belief (mistaken) that evolution is only the spiritual growth and then distanced himself from the matter, sexuality and pleasure ...
As we have explained the Guide, each of us has experienced at least a dozen times in the last 2000, and inevitably, we have lived lives as a missionary, inquisitor, inquisitors , monk or nun cloistered in practice ... we have experienced this false division between spirit and matter many times and we all bring these experiences in this life unconscious level!
If you really do not want to consider this topic from the view of reincarnation, please note that all these historical experiences of the human West have created a collective unconscious from which we are heavily influenced by the Morphogenetic Fields . Anyone who has done a
Family Constellation know what I'm talking about!
Not to mention the conditioning and familiar examples that a person may have suffered during childhood and the fact that normally none of our parents taught us anything about how to live our sexuality, - /.
As I wrote in ' another post, the church cattolica ha sede qui in Italia e l’influenza energetica dei vari dogmi e tabù, qui è più forte che in qualsiasi altro paese europeo!
Questo quadro ben poco rassicurante influenza il rapporto che le donne italiane hanno con la sessualità, in maniera determinante e per niente positiva :-(.
Non c’è seduta che ho fatto a una donna con la tecnica del Voice Dialogue , e ripeto nemmeno una su circa 2000, che non mi abbia condotto a dover “ascoltare” un Sé Interiore cattolico che criticava e bloccava pesantemente la sessualità della persona!
Questi Sé Interiori sono considerati dei veri e propri Shadow-King dell’inconscio personale e collettivo… or the "shadow king" of the unconscious, often the woman does not believe that you have because it is perhaps an atheist and left, then believed to be far from this condition but fail to acknowledge their sexuality to live well .
for Italian men is a bit 'different but every Italian woman, has a profound "sense of unworthiness" powered by your Inner Critic , that makes you fully enjoy the wonderful opportunities that your body has the experience in sexuality as a source of pleasure! As I shall explain in good
post dedicated to the "Awakening of Aphrodite, the body a woman's life is perfect for sexual pleasure, much more than that of a man ... and if we were created in the image and likeness of God, which they claim, inter alia, totally agree, I've always wondered how God has never created such a body designed for sexual pleasure?
I ask to speak to your inner self that believes the lies imposed by the Catholic church, hoping to reason with him and awaken from its long oblivion ... and you too :-).
theorem of sexuality "for reproductive purposes" does not stand as an answer because it does not make sense!
It 's like a billion years of genetic evolution had given birth to a Ferrari knowledge to be able to drive alone in a garage ...: -0??
I mean that the majority of Italian women do not even know how to "live in a Ferrari! And the majority of Italian men then they do not even drive this car ... you do not want to drive it in the sense that they are not trained to discover the pleasure that a body of a woman can have, and therefore does not care even give him that pleasure: - /.
The average of a sexual relationship in Italy, ranging between 7 and 11 minutes ... that's fine enough to father a child, but certainly not fun for both of us ;-).
So ... because they get to create the human body, so fitted for the pleasure and sexuality, and then not live it or even make it a sin and a crime?
These are the real "mysteries of faith "..!?
Sometimes I felt like answering these questions (from someone confused a lot) that all these possibilities are temptations to which we must resist ... maah: -0!?
Let us always be there ... if we were created in the image and likeness of God, which create a sense of us then we must deny and suppress?
Apart from the fact that this process can not inner psycho-energetic work, well I'll explain why in the post dedicated to "Sexuality and the Inner Self," but just look at the recent scandal of pedophile priests for having one of many tests to demonstrate what I say ...
Another confirmation comes from the observation of the animals because even now it is known that even some mammals, dogs and other animals, have sex for pleasure purposes and not merely reproductive!
Even homosexual sex ... and then there's the sensational case of Bonobo monkeys who use sex as an outlet of aggression and social control.
... Not only are also looking sex in your face ;-) in the so-called missionary position!
Among other things, these behaviors, ie "Sex for fun", do not seem to be inherent in these races but formed as a result of the evolution of species.
So the logic and everything I've written, confirms that sex = pleasure first!
Imagine how many sexual relationships occur at any time in the world, even now ..!? Thousands and thousands, and you think they are all aimed at reproducing the species?
Also I believe the New-Age movement has its faults in having fueled the division between sex = pleasure and spirit / matter because it has created a myth, namely that of Tantric Sex .
This movement is also strongly biased towards the vision sex as a fact of natural instinct and Chakra low (first, second and third) to feed the lived experience of sex only as a union with the Divine, the road to enlightenment ... so by identifying and nurturing the vision of only a cosmic pleasure "and not also physical
... But all this has worked here in the West ..?
Absolutely not!
For a simple reason that I try and explain it in my classes, if we take, in a hypothetical scale of reference, and block sexual abstinence as zero and ten as Tantric Sex ... Italian women are positioned in my opinion, to the score of 2 or 3, maximum four, but then they want to experience the level 10 del Tantra saltando tutti i livelli intermedi…!
Come per salire la Scala Ascensionale, saltando dei gradini fondamentali… non funziona così mi dispiace.
Questi gradini evolutivi sono poi dei passaggi fondamentali che corrispondono ad un serio e profondo lavoro di conoscenza del proprio corpo e di liberazione dai blocchi inconsci riguardo alla sessualità… lavoro interiore che ti suggerisco di fare con le Costellazioni Familiari e/o altre valide terapie come il Voice Dialogue.
Prima dell’avvento delle religioni monoteiste (ebraismo, cattolicesimo e islam), molte civiltà avevano capito l’importanza di non reprimere l’energia sessuale e l’esempio forse più famoso e il regno dei Chandella in India, i creatori del kamasutra per intenderci ;-).
Anche noi occidentali abbiamo avuto un momento storico meraviglioso in cui pareva che una rivoluzione culturale basata sulla Pace e sull’Amore, avrebbe cambiato il mondo… ma sappiamo tutti come è andata a finire :-/.
“Ma come siamo arrivati a questo punto?”
Questa secondo me, è la domanda che ognuno di noi dovrebbe farsi… anche perché il primo passo per ogni cambiamento é sempre quello di riconoscere dove veramente si vive, interiormente e non!
Perché tutte queste bugie?
Perché, come si spiega nel Voice Dialogue, sesso/denaro/potere sono un'unica energia… e chi controlla questa energia, controlla il mondo.
Qui si entra in un discorso molto lungo, che farò quando sarà il momento giusto... ma magari puoi leggere gli ebook gratuiti che ha scritto il mio amico Josè Scafarelli di RicchezzaVera.com in cui spiega bene chi c’è dietro a questi complotti planetari.
Comunque il punto che volevo trasmetterti è che se tu non usi queste energie (sesso-denaro-potere) in maniera equilibrata o non le usi proprio, qualcun altro lo farà for you! I'm not going to waste energy!
I know it sounds a speech "strange" but remember that the forces that govern human evolution believe they do not want you to be free / or sexually satisfied or, in possession of your personal power, rich or, and nurture in health and so on ... any belief that will keep you divided / or yourself! What
best channel to spread these lies, if not religion ..!?
But to conclude well this post, I'll give you a summary of what I learned from as channeled Guide:
1) God does not judge you if you donate and receive sexual pleasure but it's just your Inner Critic a farlo.
2) Gli Angeli non ci osservano "nelle nostre intimità”, criticandoci… anzi hanno sempre detto “Ama e fai ciò che vuoi, nel rispetto di te stesso e dell’altra persona”.
Quindi del tuo corpo e del corpo dell’altra persona.
3) Conoscere se stessi significa anche conoscere ed esplorare anche il tuo corpo, la tua sessualità e i tuoi desideri… “nel rispetto della regola del rispetto reciproco” ;-).
Bene, devo assolutamente chiudere questo post altrimenti diventa un poema... e mentre scrivevo mi è venuto anche in mente il materiale per un altro post!
In totale saranno 6 articles on this topic: -0!? basically I'll give you a book!
Well, I salute you and send you a hug from the heart :-).
PS: I remind you that you can leave a comment (not aggressive) below and we'll discuss it together ;-).
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