Hello :-)
Mamma mia what time has passed since the last post ... almost a month but I have an excuse very important to my detriment!
do not know if you know but I'm moving to the house and I'm also opening a center in Casalecchio di Reno-Bologna, and the time to devote to the work PC right now is really very little: - /
My move is progressing well but that effort ...
Tomorrow I start to paint the new house but today I could not wait to write a new post, because it is a bit 'that "in me" wants to get out ;-)
I open another miniseries four articles devoted to education is very important that I had a few years ago, and that influenced me a lot as a teacher and "therapist".
I was told in the New Age human beings and especially women, should have been manifest in their lives the qualities of autonomy and independence, of self and of self-reference.
For years I have reflected on what was the deeper meaning of this teaching and how to translate it into practice in our lives.
In recent years I have based my teaching and my work with women, just keeping the "therapeutic focus" on these points, and I always recommend to my students to achieve these goals in their lives and in their personal growth!
all starts of course from my first consideration; a person can not develop spiritually and improve himself if he does not show a real change in your life!
For example, a change of job, partner, parents give up ...
etc. This is crucial, otherwise it remains in the field of theory and intellect, and this is not enough to really improve.
So back to the concept of being Autonomous , Independent, self-sufficient and self-referential
... After years of reflection and dialogue, inside / outside (;-)), I came to give a possible explanation for these words and make them tips and suggestions for you donne ma anche per gli uomini.
Ora naturalmente, il significato che gli ho dato non sarà del tutto identico a quello che puoi trovare sul vocabolario, ma spero che ti sarà utile.
In ogni Post tratterò uno di questi punti partendo da cosa significa diventare Autonomi, poi Indipendenti, Autosufficienti e infine Autoreferenti… così hai da leggere e da riflettere per tutta l’estate! ;-)
In linea di massima ti posso anticipare che parlerò dell’Autonomia come capacità di fare le proprie scelte in Libertà.
Dell’Indipendenza, come una libertà emotiva dai vincoli familiari ecc…
Di essere Autosufficienti nella gestione del proprio denaro abbracciando the new concept of wealth ... and to be self-referential in their relationship with God, and direct in our communication with the Divine and the importance of the path of growth.
As you can guess already from the beginning, these four topics include many areas of our lives Post and talk about things that seem different but I assure you, are absolutely related!
Good start, but before I do an unusual prayer:
I pray to God, the angels and all my guides to help me protect my blog and do not let me have no problem with what I'm writing this post! THANKS :-)
What is to become self ..?
Maybe I never said that I began my journey of personal growth (now twenty) with the person first and then with the esoteric theories of global conspiracy by a small group of people, up to the study the Prophecies of 2012
etc. ... In my day, when I started doing public lectures, it was not like now that you can say it all and I always have a lot of people in front of me ... if I had 10 people and "not ended in a brawl, "I was happy, not to mention that I have suffered strange attacks on my person.
They put me down with cars and trucks to 11 times! Do not believe
true ..? but it's all true, I swear.
Se ti faccio vedere quante cicatrici ho addosso e ti faccio l’elenco di tutti i problemi fisici che ho, derivati da quelli “strani incidenti”… mi servirebbe un Post solo su quello :-/
Adesso su Internet, Tv, conferenze, libri ecc… puoi trovare qualsiasi informazione che desideri su questo argomento, ma quando ho iniziato io eravamo in pochi e come minimo ci prendevano per matti e ci isolavano, fino ad arrivare a veri e propri atti di ostilità!
Questo è un argomento davvero immenso e in un semplice Post, seppur lungo, potrei dire forse il 10% di quello che conosco.
Quindi non ci provo neanche ad entrare nello dell’argomento CoverUp, come lo chiamano in America… but I just want you to reflect on some important points of the question.
"The term autonomy is the ability to perform its functions without interference or bias on the part of other members or outside groups." WIKIPEDIA.
you believe to be free in your choices, even though you live in a country's "democratic"? I will not talk
appearance of esoteric, spiritual and emotional deal in the next post ... but I'm talking just from a social perspective!
you imagine that our Evolution (?) As a society, have followed the normal flow of history?
You think we got to the collapse of a system social, economic and ecological case?
Finally, the most important question ... are you satisfied or that the so-called Spiritual Evolution we can still make detaching himself from the matter, society, money and politics?
I have a bad and good news!
The bad is that it is not so that everything is beautiful ... the NEED for our growth, and serving our evolution
:-) Anyway, long story short, our Western society is controlled by small groups of powerful people and rich beyond imagination that control the governments of powerful countries of the world, and cooperate with aliens and dark entities to implement a control globale sulle menti e sulle Coscienza delle persone!
Questo controllo avviene con innumerevoli mezzi tecnologici ma soprattutto con una costante influenza della nostra mente, attraverso messaggi subliminali trasmessi con ogni mezzo di informazione… e il nostro capo di governo, è uno degli esempi più incredibili e drammatici di quello che sto dicendo :-(
Queste società segrete e questi uomini, che meritano solo la nostra pietà, sono i creatori di “forme pensiero” occulte che costringono le persone in scelte preconfezionate e limitano pesantissimamente la libertà di tutti noi, facendoci poi credere alle persone di essere libere nelle scelte della loro vita…
diabolico non è true? In fact, talking about this!
Have you seen the first Matrix? Do you understand the message he wanted to convey? Remove
"machines that control the men," add these people that I wrote, and you'll see that you will understand what I mean.
Take a look at the interesting to read the ebook to my friend Jose Scafarelli RicchezzaVera.com and "visit" the site SegnidalCielo.it of my other friend Massimo Fratini.
Then the network can find all the answers to the questions that I hope you will begin to arise when reading this post and I am convinced that "he who seeks finds! ;-)
These "forms thought ", created by these individuals, they are transformed in various world's religious, social, family members unconsciously influence our minds and therefore our choices!
So the conclusion is that we're almost never employed in our choices, nor free from external influences them.
For too long I've seen in New-Age or inner search, a detachment from the world's problems, politics, etc ... and this has meant that the various Berlusconi in office to abuse the power they have "stolen" to people, bringing more and more all of us in a society in disarray.
But now it's time to regain our Battery life, and then to return to their personal power!
Watch the magnificent painting that Leonardo da Vinci has made Mary Magdalene ... she keeps almost the Holy Grail opened, to remind us that the truth is ready to be discovered and this is' TIME!!
you choose for themselves in his life 2000 years ago, against convention and against any condition.
E 'is an example of a woman and growing current of feminine energy that has always inspired me, and to which I invite you to "energetically coupled" to accelerate your evolution.
conclusion, to become autonomous in your choices you suggest some basic tips:
- information on all did not believe in anything except that which opens up your mind.
Abandon all faith-because faith does not match almost never the truth.
-Learn to reflect on everything that comes from outside and trust only the people you trust.
-Choose only what is right for you and the people you love, care what they think "others".
-Resume your personal power in every area of \u200b\u200byour life.
-Never give anything for granted and always tries to understand why there is a certain reality that you're living, and possibly who / why it was created. Always observe your every
-automatic behavior, and try to understand whether there is a condition which makes you act like that.
Well, I think I wrote too much for today ... in a few weeks I will write a new post on the topic of Independence.
Hello, a hug from the heart :-)
PS: leave us a comment but remember that this time it will take me longer to answer and publish it, because I can do only in the evening when I get back from paint the new house ;-).
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