Hello :-) I'm here to finish the "trilogy dedicated to the communication" with the last post dedicated to this important topic, which certainly in the future of the blog will still be treated
Of course you should have ... read the other two posts before this, and we can go directly from here:
1) Knowing how to communicate the future of humanity '.
In this post I have outlined 12 issues / difficulties of communication between people, with their relational problems attached ...
In this post however I started to explain the "four pillars" of good communication ... that is what they are, in my experience, 4 good communication skills that everyone should take to communicate well with others.
I explained how important a good timing (number 1), and even a 'constant attention to "who really is speaking within us" (numero 2).
Erano rimasti da spiegare i punti 3 e 4 ovvero l’importanza di una buona concentrazione (focus) su che cosa vogliamo davvero trasmettere, e la connessione energetica con l’altra persona.
Quindi continuo seguendo l’elenco…
3) Concentrazione (focus) su che cosa vogliamo dire in realtà:
Ti sarai accorta/o sicuramente che la maggioranza delle volte che parli con qualcuno, lui/lei non ti capisce o tu non capisci l’altro!? :-/
A me capitava in continuazione… e queste incomprensioni comunicative, tra persone che parlano la stessa lingua, mi hanno sempre affascinato e mi hanno fatto riflettere profondamente!
These thoughts and observations accompanied me on my journey of growth and helped me to understand the blocks that we have in communication, making me understand (as I wrote) that people almost always talk to or vent to absorb energy on the other hand, rather than to communicate.
also because none of the "social model of reference" (family, religion, education) has taught us something about how you communicate: - / and few people know, even in new-age, which is the energy of the Chakra connected to every three or ... that the first Chakra is connected to the fourth (roots / love), the second to fifth (emotions / communication) and the third the sixth (two events of different qualities of power).
So if a person has emotional blocks (2nd Chakra) caused by some strong conditioning, trauma or violence ... hardly able to communicate (5th Chakra)!
In fact, people who come to me to solve their communication problems, starting with work always relieve / release emotional blocks childhood or past lives.
This is a very important point to consider in order to understand the why of your own, any ;-), communication difficulties ... and also not to be angry with the other person is trying to communicate with you but can not!
With this speech is not always sure I want to say" turn the other cheek ", and to submit passively to the follies of others, absolutely ... but I saw many times how, starting from this assumption helps a lot to not get in a Dynamic Constraint with the other person!
;-) That said, I have always noted that people who talk too much, almost always fall by the wayside "in the sense that not really focus on what they want to communicate (Focus) but are lost in the act of speaking ...
So, in my opinion, it is always necessary that we remember these applications to monitor our level of communication:
A) as a "real" reason I'm saying what I say?
B) I'm really communicating what I want?
C) E 'really useful conversation I'm doing?
D) I am using the right words to communicate my message?
A) Always remember to not lose sight of why you're talking to the other person ... you're trying to actually hurt her, or are you trying to help? You're just venting, or want to say something useful? You're talking a te stessa/o veramente, o all’altra persona? Stai semplicemente facendo una conversazione tanto per rilassarti o stai cercando di comunicare un messaggio importante?
Stai cercando un chiarimento, o solo vendetta?
Sostanzialmente la domanda che dovresti sempre farti è, “che cosa mi muove veramente mentre parlo con questa persona?"
Osservati mentre parli e sii sempre onesta/o con te stessa/o…vedrai come tutti ci guadagnano!
Una comunicazione che parte da una chiarezza di Intenzione, è Benedetta dall’Universo e porta ad un ottimo fluire di energia, garantito ;-).
B) Sto veramente comunicando ciò che voglio?
If you have a tendency to be talked about "the little man inside your brain" as I call it, or about 10 minutes in what could communicate in a ... remember to always get this question!
Time is sacred and above all always little compared to what we want to do, so do not waste it and not wasting it in others.
Even so, almost always means be verbose "energy vampires" ... so be careful please!
Concentrate on what you mean and then move on, you'll see how much time / energy gain in your life ;-).
C) E 'really useful conversation I'm doing?
Se stai parlando in una situazione di rilassamento, questa domanda forse non serve farla perché l’utilità della conversazione sta proprio nel rilassamento a cui porta, non a ciò che si dice… ma se fosse una conversazione “seria”, secondo me, occorre sempre farsi questa domanda!
Ricordati il famoso insegnamento “non dare perle ai porci”, quindi non sprecare la tua energia parlando con una persona che non ti ascolta! Anche imparare quali battaglie valga la pena combattere, è una delle qualità di un buon guerriero!
O magari, hai solo sbagliato momento… come ho spiegato nell’altro post :-).
D) Sto usando the right words to communicate my message?
It 's true "that the dress does not make the Monaco" and that the content is key, but also the shape is important!
Try to give your sweetheart a bouquet of roses wrapped poorly in the Gazzetta dello Sport ... you'll see how it is different if the gifts to the restaurant by candlelight ;-)
So, even as the words we use are important for success of the communication itself!
We have to go to be polite, I will never stop repeating it ... Kindness in words as in the gestures of our bodies, is one of the mirrors of our evolution! Women love
kindness, but in truth we all love a kind gesture that gives us another, and so we must be ourselves in our words as in our deeds.
Warning: kindness does not mean weakness!
You can be gentle yet determined, strong and courageous ...
Well we spend the last of the four pillars of good communication.
What I'm about to tell you is essential, and is the most important thing of all 3 post I wrote on communication;
You can really communicate, only when you are connected energetically with the other!
That is when we empathize with the other lost na.
It 's the key requirement for the transfer of information, without disturbance or acts of vampirization unconscious.
For this we need to work on yourself and learn the knowledge and energy to this that the universe gives us now a great variety of techniques that teach us this new / old talent ... :-)
Farsi, within themselves, they two questions, "are strongly connected to what I want to communicate?", and "my energy is connected to my partner?" is very important!
course, in a post I can make you do the exercises of KI-AIKIDO , how do I experience to my students and my students ... otherwise clearly understand what I mean and the difference between doing an act or say a sentence without energy and with the connection ... I'm sorry, this is the limit in comparison to the experience of writing: - /.
this power of connection will be 'also an expression of your growth!
Mom ever ... I write more and more I can think of things to write. But now
I have to close because otherwise this post is too long ..!
However, we can delve more deeply into the topic in the comments ;-).
Remember that beyond all our good intentions and efforts, however, in our communication process with the other, sooner or later something wrong ... because it is a process, and thus become by definition!
I myself, despite my experience, I made a couple of communication errors in Conference I held last Sunday, and even these days I realized that it was not clear with my girlfriend about an important issue of our lives!
So some "words sacred "we all must learn to say are: I'm sorry, I apologize, I accept your apology, I ask your forgiveness, I forgive you, bless you and accept your blessing!
Well, I'd say I told you everything!
I am convinced that if well read and reread my posts, especially doing the exercises, you will find great benefit in your life and your relationships ... a hug from the heart :-)
PS: remember that I'd love you to leave your comments below ... and you read the big news for September ..? ;-)
PPS: This is the link to watch My last lecture on YouTube ...
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