Saturday, November 29, 2008

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second consecutive defeat .... derby Coccaglio

Coccaglio. For the tenth round of the day went on show at the palace of Coccaglio derby against veterans of the home defeat against barley Cassano and veterans of the coaching change with the return of Alessandro Motta.
Team orceana that shows Panada, Crepaz, Furlanis, Cozzi and Pisciolo in the starting five, while Coccaglio shows Baresi, Nava, Prandelli, Mora and Perazzi.
balanced game in the first quarter scoring advantage of very low margins and minimum meter in the second quarter barley attempts to reach and go rest at +6 (28-34). Third quarter sees
Coccaglio react orce and elongation is reported in the slipstream and then pass the room with a bomb of Nava and the period ends still point to point.
In the fourth time the head of the score ranges on both sides but no one can ever pull off the break to make up your mind. In the last minute, anything goes, barley can match the game (59-59), the hosts have a shot to overtake ma lo sbagliano, rimbalzo orceano quando mancano 24 secondi alla fine, ma al posto di tenere il pallone per un tiro a fil di sirena, Patroni tenta l'incursione in area e commette fallo in attacco. Restano 15 secondi e Coccaglio ha l'ultimo tiro, pallone che va a Perazzi che segna, ma commette un evidente passi che viene sanzionato dalla coppia arbitrale. Palla di nuovo a Orzi che ha un solo secondo per trovare il tiro della vittoria ma viene effettuata male la rimessa e palla che torna nelle mani di Coccaglio che sulla nuova rimessa tenta un tiro impossibile e si va all'Overtime.
Sostanziale equilibro fino a quando a poco piu di un minuto dalla fine, Coccaglio se ne va sul 66-62, e sembra la fine della partita, ma qui si sveglia capitan Mirko Cozzi (non una playing for him) that runs the game in a pleasant, three-point bomb to -1 (66-65), in defending succesivi foul earns a net attack, a thrust of Perazzi, and then in 15 seconds the end takes the ball and is fouled by Mora on penetration, and goes on the bezel. 2 out of 2 and barley passes to lead (66-67).
Coccaglio last possession but not scored on the rebound Pisciolo not hold and so there's a goal kick with 3 seconds left. In the confusion, between blocks and control blocks, it remains an all alone under the basket and Crepaz is forced to foul. In the lunette is that there is Rosola glacial and his team back to +1 with the last attempt at a second from the end of that Pisciolo from your area cerca il miracolo ma non prende nemmeno il ferro.

I tabellini della partita:

Vacchelli 2, Crepaz, Zanotti, Scaratti, Panada 15, Furlanis 13, Patroni 1, Cozzi 12, Roversi 12, Piscioli 13. All. Motta


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