Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Replacement Suitcase Wheels

The anti-psychiatric DICTIONARY

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DICTIONARY anti-psychiatric
Exploration and travel through the madness (1997)

Joseph Bucalo is among the most unscrupulous Italian psychiatric thinkers. The radicalism of his theoretical work, aimed at producing a full cultural legitimacy of insanity, understood as a vector and a factor in a revolution that broadens and sommuova physical spaces, relational and cognitive led him to advocate a revolutionary anthropological vision that affirms the impracticability of any discrimination between reason and madness is in the mind that in that society. This volume, the Kalashnikov Collective Headquarter offers its readers an excellent introduction to the thought of Bucalo: the author, sinking roots of the discourse on the one hand in his experiences psychiatric operator in Sicily and the consequent daily and disturbing, relationship with the crowd, and the other teachers in the criticism of psychiatric knowledge and practice (from David Cooper to Thomas Szasz, by Ronald Laing to Aaron Esterson ), psychiatry is the subject of a controversy that, along with a side of a legal and ethical includes a face to invalidate the conceptual foundations. At the same time a decisive refutation of segregation and coercion psychiatric therapy in all its forms, then takes a devastating attack Bucalo to psychiatry as a pseudo-science (with particular reference to the ramifications of the controversial nineteenth-century positivism psychiatric Wilhelm Griesinger ) and puts Focus the key scientific artifact (the "mental illness"), as dangerous to individual rights as perfect catkins functional all'assetto social in this way Joseph Bucalo comes to formulating its overwhelming position that psychiatry is incompatible with freedom of thought. The latter can not live with a knowledge that psychiatry, which disqualified as pathological opinions and perceptions rather than merit a radical and should be legitimate objects of discussion in a free society that protects the diversity and indeed the 'otherness prejudice tra i suoi cittadini: è' anche attraverso il coglimento di questa invisibilizzata ed irrisolta contraddizione delle società liberali che Bucalo prende polemicamente le distanze, pur riconoscendone i meriti storici, dai filoni contigui ma meno radicali della critica alla psichiatria, che legge come meramente riformistici, incamminandosi come pochi altri sul sentiero rischioso e sconvolgente di un continuo, impregiudicato scambio con le tabuizzate ed infernali regioni della pazzia.


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