Friday, December 3, 2010

Simple 2.4ghz Collinear Antenna


Hello :-) I'm here to post the second post dedicated to the teachings of my teacher and friend Marta Lombardi Remember ... this post is a continuation of yesterday's, which can be accessed by clicking here .
We have seen so far as the energy of the planet Venus is so important to integrate into our lives, and we started to list as it occurs in water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
now continue the list that Martha sent me ;-).
But first let me remind you that you will be available for reading and experience of your Christmas card in the days 11 and 12 December in our Association Roots and Wings.


Venus in Gemini:
Express affection verbally and joyfully, with intelligence and wit. You need to speak immediately of your thoughts and your perceptions in order to feel close to each other. Your tastes are constantly changing. Do you have a seductive charm made of spirit, kindness and sympathy. Your impulse to love is constrained by rationality. Your critical thinking remains awake even when you love. The curiosity and fickleness push you to new experiences both sexual and emotional. Are you in love with the idea of \u200b\u200blove itself. Many live reports that are a reflection of a division of Love within you. Can you feel the same intensity with different types of love or affection e puoi farne esperienza contemporaneamente. Vivi con spensieratezza le tue relazioni. Sei attratta/o dal gioco amoroso e dalla seduzione. La comunicazione mentale ha grande importanza nei tuoi rapporti. Sei attratta dall’intelligenza e dall’arguzia. Il tuo bisogno di varietà e di stimoli costantemente nuovi può inibire la possibilità di relazioni durevoli e profonde. Cerchi un partner intelligente e che sappia stare in mezzo alla gente come te.
Se la tua Venere è nel segno dei Gemelli, la tua sfida evolutiva esistenziale è:
“Puoi impegnarti seriamente in una relazione resistendo alla tendenza di svolazzare intorno ad altre tentazioni.”

Venere in Bilancia:
Esprimi l’affettività con delicatezza, premura, fascino ed armonia.
Il tuo scambio affettivo con gli altri è colorato da equilibrio, educazione e gentilezza. Hai un forte bisogno di armonizzare le polarità. Esprimi il tuo amore in modo equilibrato. Hai un profondo bisogno di pace, tranquillità ed armonia per provare benessere. Tendi ad evitare gli scambi emotivi conflittuali e limiti quindi le tue possibilità di intimità. Le tue relazioni sono basate sulla partecipazione e sulla cooperazione. Il tuo sentimento è romantico ma tuttavia controllato dalla razionalità che ti fa ponderare attentamente le scelte. Ricerchi un ideale armonioso. I tuoi gusti sono selettivi ed esigenti. Sei sensibile agli stimoli estetici. La sensualità/sessualità is imaginative and refined, just instinctive.
Your spirit is friendly and lovable. You are prone to stable and effective unions legalized. Looking for a romantic partner who knows how to behave in an appropriate manner at all times.
If your Venus is in Libra, your evolutionary existential challenge is:
"You can say what you feel without trying to always be safe in the confirmation of pleasure."

Venus in Aquarius:
Express your emotions / sexuality in a free, unconventional, experimental and light. You are a free person and relaxed. You are unconventional. Seek their spiritual affinity. You have a deep sense of friendship. Do you like to exchange ideas and theories with your loved one. You need to socialize with many people actively to share your emotions fully. Live your feelings with a certain emotional detachment. You tend to experiment. You have a deep respect and great understanding for others. You are very independent. You are indifferent to tradition. You have little inclination for traditional links. Can not stand the routine and tend to rebel against the charges. Do not admit ties conditioning. Looking for a partner in its unusual and original ideas.
If your Venus is in Aquarius, your evolutionary existential challenge is: "You can not stay away when a relationship becomes too intimate and challenging ".

Venus in Earth Signs, Taurus + Virgo + Capricorn.

Venus in Taurus:
Express affection and sexuality in a physical and possessive, with warmth and tenacity. Sai to the bottom of your internal resources. Reply deeply sensual energy of others. Enjoy the contact with nature. You know to value material wealth and beauty of physical objects. You have a deep sensitivity to sensory stimuli. You have a strong sensuality. You have a passionate and loving nature. Ami life's pleasures.
Your sentiment is developed in a climate congenial, warm, simple and fundamentally sound. It 'very much alive in you the desire for stability. Live your feelings in an exclusive manner. You are possessive and jealous person. Are you reluctant to lose control. Need stable and lasting relations. Are you interested in art and beauty in general. Looking for a partner who knows how to give you security and stability in their feelings. Express your emotions in a tangible and physical.
If your Venus is in Taurus, your challenge is evolutionary: "Learn to overcome the need for unconditional possession of the beloved."

Venus in Virgo
Express affectivity and sexuality with realism, modesty, generosity and timidity. Feel useful to the other gives you emotional satisfaction. Need logical and practical to be comfortable with yourself and place. Try a natural reluctance to abandon love and passion. Your privacy prevents you from expressing your feelings spontaneously. Steps all feeling the test of rationality. Your way of expressing love is made of small gestures, kind words or showing devotion to the practical needs and care of a loved one. You have a strong transport sensual / sexual, but you tend to control it. Draw a love life sorted. Addresses love and affection in a manner rational and prudent. Sometimes it is hard letting you go to any form of intimacy. Looking for an understanding of mind that is the basis for a lasting relationship.
You tend to idealize the very figure of the loved one for which few appear to be up to your expectations.
looking for a partner to take care of and who can understand your confidence in expressing your feelings.
If your Venus is in Virgo, your evolutionary existential challenge is:
"You learn that you can afford to be spontaneous or in expressing your emotions."

Venus in Capricorn:
Express your emotions with prudence, professionalism, sense of duty and habit. Your feelings are reserved and calm. Your need for love is inhibited by fear or distrust. Sometimes you have a distant and impersonal approach. You need to be safe or the involvement of the other to make a gift of your deepest emotions. Can you loyalty. You can meet the commitment and responsibility of a relationship. Your need for self control and confidence can hinder the intimacy of relationships.
Keep in check your spontaneità.I your taste and your sexual orientation are sober and simple. A long discussion accompanies every choice your affection. Can you dedication and perseverance in suffering. Looking for stable and lasting relations. You tend to build and plan with your partner. Looking for a partner who can understand your way of being reserved / O and discrete / o.
If your Venus is in Virgo, your evolutionary existential challenge is:
"Can you afford to let the emotions go and show your vulnerability."


Venus in Aries:
Express affection and sexuality in a direct, impulsive and enthusiastic. Your energy is always directed towards new experiences. The feeling and the passion inside of you born in a rash. You tend to sudden and passionate love at first sight. Manifest your feelings so exuberant and impatient. Your passion is burning. Do you generous gift. Ami thoughtlessly, enthusiastic, generous. Ami in particular the first moments of a relationship. The flame of love fades with time. Your need to feel close or another is hindered by your strong desire for personal achievement. The emotional and sexual intimacy is sometimes difficult to achieve for you. Attach much value to individuality, initiative and independence in yourself and in others. You are a brave person and have a taste for conquest. Try attraction for adventure. Your sensitivity reaction to strong stimuli. Your life love is full of experience but fickle and subject to possible abrupt cuts.
You love novelty and change. Looking for a strong partner with which to confront you know a way to protect and dominate.
If your Venus is in Aries, your challenge is evolutionary existential:
"I would really know my partner and catch up with him / her a deeper and deeper intimacy.

Venus in Leo :
Express the emotions / sexuality with warmth, enthusiasm, and in spectacular fashion. Live your feelings with light intensity.'re able to feel genuine affection for another person.'re a person pride and need for recognition.
For you love is colored by great idealism. Your passion is ardent and generous, deep and sincere. You can gift you with creative vitality. You're a cheerful, generous and loyal in your social interactions. The exchange of deep feeling with each other is sometimes hampered by your need to be in the spotlight. Need to dominate the emotional life of others. Your tastes are great and prone to luxury. The object of your love should always be "equal." You are a person distinctly possessive and jealous. Want to have the exclusive feelings of your partner. Sometimes your optimism prevent you from seeing the partner as it really is. Looking for a strong partner, ambitious and at the same time sensitive.
If your Venus is in Leo, your evolutionary existential challenge is:
"You can establish friendly relations and simple, leaving loved the freedom to be herself."

Venus in Sagittarius:
Express the emotions in a free, enthusiastic, generous and idealistic. You are a person full of zest for life. Your sensitivity / sexuality is simple but serene. You tend to see the best side of things. Your feelings are candid, sincere, warm but a bit 'naive. Would love to spontaneity, without complacency or seductive vain. Live a healthy eroticism. Feel the love so adventurous, without prejudice. Your feeling is enthusiastic and engaging. You're attracted to or from all that is away from you. You are tolerant and open-minded you are. You are independent. You must be able to roam and explore to try wellness and harmony. From the very value honesty in relationships and strong links to aspire. Your relentless drive to move forward and explore can interfere with the ability to establish close relationships. Looking for a partner who loves travel and adventure that knows how to change all the time without ever getting bored.
If your Venus is in Sagittarius, your evolutionary existential challenge is: "You can overcome your restlessness and learn patience."

Well (I'm back to talk to you), is not it beautiful is this place?
I would say that we have finished this topic, and before closing I remind you again that Marta Lombardi will be available in our center 11 and December 12 ! Hello, a hug from the heart of Simon and Martha :-).

remember that you can leave a comment "astrological" below or Marta and I will answer you ;-).


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