Monday, November 22, 2010

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What do women want?

Hello everyone :-).
write this new post (not included) inspired by the questions of why men and women received some requests in the comments and also because this time I'm working on sitting with men and issues that emerge have shown me that the Universal Energy " is asking me "to write this article.
The topic is still inherent in sexuality, but not limited, and this time is dedicated to the men! Since
title you can understand what it is ;-).

BE LISTENING ATTENTION MEN ... write in a schematic and rational (Just for you), truths that will serve you the rest of your life!
So you'll have some good reference tools and understanding to understand "the unknown" women. Then

but we should stop hiding behind the war between the sexes, Mars against Venus, and back to the beliefs of the type that women are incomprehensible
etc etc ... I ask the women who read this post, through your comments, correct me if I say something wrong or if you add something that I did not say ... thank you ;-).

Well ... first of all I would like to begin an important precondition. The situation of
relazioni uomini/donne in Italia è complessa e non certo idilliaca, e questo credo che lo riconosciamo tutti.
Come dobbiamo anche TUTTI riconoscere che occorre uno sforzo e soprattutto un profondo lavoro interiore se vogliamo vivere appieno la rinascita delle relazioni uomini/donne.
Ogni genere ha dei vantaggi e degli svantaggi rispetto all’altro e potrei pubblicare almeno 2/3 post di articoli, frasi e aneddoti interessanti su “le donne sono meglio degli uomini” e “gli uomini sono meglio delle donne”… ma non lo farò perché credo che esse sia tutte mezze verità, e che sia imperativo adesso concentrarsi sulle qualità di entrambi i sessi.

Questo è un Blog for women, and so far I have spoken of the many problems they have, but I repeat once again, is not that men are not to be made better: - /.
The awakening of the feminine energies must necessarily involve men, and this is already happening even in small scale ... to no man, however, Italian has been taught nothing from society, family and religion, how to live on social relationships and with women .
So many guys ask me what to do in practice to understand and relate to women?
First I would say that, given all these adverse influences, it is better to go it alone as I did!
Get in discussion work on yourself, study the human physiology and everything you can study on sexuality, check out women's magazines (which are often more interesting than the male), sperimentatevi without fear in relationships, but especially the thought forms and outputs afraid to express their inner female, and marry with their men in what is esoterically called "the inner alchemical marriage" means losing one's manhood or giving up your personal power / social!

Three other important points to ponder:

1) The "battle of the sexes" at the end is a great illusion because we have experienced for so many lives and incarnations as men as women, then every problem we have with the opposite sex is in fact a problem not solved within us.
evolves and grows, so will also improve all your relationships in your life ;-).

2) The growth path of "spiritual" must not become an escape from low Chakra, or the instincts or the search for grounding in their life! This trap
see which works for men too, and watch for years that the majority of those in an inner journey still fall into this error: - / WARNING!

3) The differences between the sexes can become a possibility rather than a problem, if you like ...

Look at the picture and think that that is the brain of a man ;-), simple, with few controls , with a few functions.
Men have a lot of stiffness and waaay to create new neural synapses, as well as learn how to contact / express their feelings.
Women know this but yet not fully accepted :-(.
But the simplicity of mind is also a great advantage and makes the world go , as well as help you stay in the present (which is difficult for a woman).
Especially helps Communication perché gli uomini se dicono una cosa, giusta o sbagliata che sia, quella è!
L’uso dei “sottointesi” non appartiene al cervello maschile :-).

Adesso guarda questa immagine, e pensa che tutti quei comandi rappresentano il cervello di una donna! Semplice? Per niente… le donne sono incasinatissime (a causa poi delle persecuzioni maschili degli ultimi 3000 anni :-/), e ci vuole uno sforzo e un impegno grosso per comprenderle e imparare “come funzionano”. Ma vuoi imparare a volare o no..?
Impara a conoscere le potenzialità del cervello femminile e vedrai che bella avventura, is inside you, that with women! :-)

said this ... but what actually women?
Giving an answer to this question is to understand women and thus improve the relationship you have with them.
.. Are you ready? Now we reveal for the first time publicly, the real "The Secret" which I discovered in my life!
Women want only three things to a man;
I called the formula APA

Only these three simple things simple ... yes indeed! : - /
But I encourage you to think well, and you'll see that it is.
Now I will give you some practical suggestions point by point ... even if it is clear that a post just is not enough to clarify every doubt and situation, but it sure will help you and perhaps write another article later.


1) Women want that you are careful not to "trample" their vulnerable child / need, as opposed you want the care in its place.
It 'just that? Probably not, but that's how it works ... we're not talking about philosophy, but a relational reality!
Now, surely I'm not writing for a food constraint dynamics between your inner self Parents / children, but still requires attention to the Inner Child in your partner must have the strength to !

2) people need to learn to listen to women!
I know that you're not used to and that sometimes is a ball "(sorry women, you know that I love you but I'm right ;-), but I assure you that if you exceed a certain threshold and you get used to, it also becomes nice and learn a lot of things ...

3) regard to sexual attention that women want I'll write another post even more specific, but while watching the next figure ... women do not have all, or nearly so, the erogenous zones around the genitals as we are, but they are spread throughout the body and must learn to know them and encourage them so that women they also give great importance to foreplay and sensuality. So you have to commit yourself if you want your woman is happy ... and another important thing is that sexual intimacy a woman should always have an orgasm before the man!
I assure you that if you follow these "guidelines" because you'll thank me in an embrace all gains made so ;-).


Always the now-famous Inner Child of a woman, but not limited to the inner self, wants to be with a man "with balls" to feel protected.
So should you feel your energetic presence , your physical presence to embrace learning, and practice your presence / economic "bringing home the Bacon"
... Basically you have to do a job on the event of your energies Yang!

Question LOVE: Just

men must learn to love ... but what it means to truly love? I do not have the definitive answer I'm sorry, but I know for sure is that "energy men "to do this is to greatly reduce aggression, learn to open up to emotions and share them with commitment and passion! So you have to do a job on the event of your yin energy. Finally
Remember that women often want to hear I love you and your partner, even if you love her but just do not tell, is the same thing not to love: - /.

Well I would say that I'm done for today and as you see, my dear, the job of understanding women's work is a stimulus to improve themselves ... so we should once again be grateful for the Universal Energy of the Feminine that nourishes our change in the New-Era!
Essert I hope to be useful ... a hug from the heart :-)

remember that you can leave your comments below and I'll answer ...


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