Friday, April 30, 2010

Catadioptric Scope Not A Good Choice


Hello :-) I'm here to finish
posts dedicated to communication, but it will not end today because I was reminded so many different things to write and give you tips ... I'll have end up in another post! This
also because I want to finish well and comprehensively this topic, which I believe crucial to our growth and for human evolution!
Remember that knowing how to communicate is the mirror of our inner evolution!

At the end of my post is a "business proposal" ...

Well, let's start with a summary of the most important concepts expressed in the posts:

1) Men and women are social beings, so you can not not communicate!
The problem is what we communicate, how we do in our conversations, and if we can really communicate what we want!

2) We live in a "social time" very special because we are a very advanced society in the media, but paradoxically really communicate among people has become increasingly difficult!

3) Communication problems that we involve all aspects of our lives, our inner nature, social, and spiritual.

4) not know how to communicate is often the symptom of an inner block or trauma in childhood and adolescence!

5) No one taught us to communicate: - / I family, neither religion nor society ... in fact the pressures that come from this "unholy trinity" are the cause of almost all our common problems. Accordingly, we must purify from all these bad examples, heal our wounds and work out a new direct and sincere communication!

6) The majority of the words that we express in a speech not communicate at all ... in fact serve only to vent our energies in eccesso o succhiare le energie da gli altri!
Questo perché tutti noi siamo incosciamente dei potenziali “vampiri energetici”… e siamo anche noi stessi costantemente vampirizzati dalle altre persone e da altre Entità!

7) Parlare e comunicare sono due cose diverse!
Parlando molto (soprattutto le donne ;-)), si scarica la propria energia/tensioni o si assorbe incosciamente energia dall’altra persona… mentre il processo comunicativo comprende uno scambio energetico ad un livello vibrazionale più alto.

8) Spesso (usando la terminologia del Voice Dialogue), il Sé Interiore che comunica, non è lo stesso che ha pensato communicate what he wants ... so maintain an 'always vigilant attention to their internal processes and learning to listen, listen well that every inner self that speaks within us and observe what is expressed out ..!

9) True communication can only be "Aware Ego", or when there is self-centering and energetic connection with others!

10) communicate means first of all learn to listen.
listen and communicate are not "process" and verbal energy that can be forgotten when we talk with another person, because they are the father and mother of 'empathy toward the other!
lack of empathy, or the inability to see, hear, "respect the other than you," closes the connection with your heart, and therefore effectively prevents the deep communication.

11) Energy follows thought, which is a manifestation of the word ... so thought-word-power are connected!

12) All blocks and constraints that prevent us from communicating well with others and ourselves, can be improved, loose, cleansed, harmonized and manifested in the best possible way, through the inner work we do on ourselves .

As promised, now I try to give you some tips and tricks to "monitor" your level of communication, and improve ... ;-)

Throughout my life and my experience in the personal growth I have understood that there are "4 Pillars "of good communication:
1) a good-timing
2) constant attention to" who really is speaking within us "-
3) concentration (focus) on what we mean in reality -
4) energetic connection with the other person!

Point number one: good timing is fondamentale nel processo comunicativo con l’altro… il concetto è semplice, ma vedo che pochi lo applicano :-/.
Regola S.A.S.A: ovvero quando sei Stanca/o, sei Arrabbiata/o, ti senti Sola/o, sei Affamata/o… non comunicare niente di importante!
Ogni cosa che dirai sarà filtrata dai tuoi bisogni primari, e quindi non uscirà bene ;-).
Quindi…riposati, calmati, tirati su e mangia!
Dopo comunichi qualcosa a qualcuno e non prima, altrimenti non ti stupire se succedono casini o non vieni capita.
Lo stesso vale per colui che ascolta la tua comunicazione!
Per esempio se tu stai bene e vuoi dire qualcosa al tuo compagno, che però back from a bad day at work ... expect to relax a bit before we talk about serious things!

I have a suggestion to my students that I have often said, is "ritualized" the communicative moment!
We can talk when you want, but you can not always communicate ...
choose a right time of day and a different situation protected from distractions, to communicate with your partner or co-workers!
until of course you can ... I know you do not live in a perfect world.

Of course the couple, it would be nice that these moments were born ... but this happens very spontaneously more often in stories than in reality! made up of many hours spent at work, various casinos, children, and all sorts of distractions ...
A tip that works, is to put a time on the agenda of the week to organize the practical things with your partner, and one more " emotional "to tell the partner how you are, what you feel, what you want other ... and listen to each other.

To conclude this first point, I remind all women that men have to go "cave in" to retrieve my a bit ... so there is no greater mistake than to insist on talking to your partner when he wants to be quiet! ;-)
Before speaking, always made this question:
It 's the right time for me and the other party, to express what they want to communicate?

Point number two:
constant attention to "who really is speaking within us" ..!
Here we are within the competence of Voice Dialogue, and is a vast and complex to explain in a little space but indicates the concept is what I expressed in the post ... that often we do not talk down ' Aware Ego , but the vulnerability , Or inner selves angry, offended
etc. ... It 's a matter of fundamental energy, and Italian women often who is speaking and who is actually "talking energetically" inner selves are different: - /.

I happen hundreds of times in my life heard a person (clearly the work I do, more women than men ...) who told me how he was, but I actually "felt energetically" that informed a whole ' else ...
Remember that all liars! : -0
It 's a disturbing truth I know, but it is a truth! Only rarely people
comunicano quello che veramente vogliono esprimere… normalmente gli esseri umani, mentono non sapendo neanche di mentire!!! :-/

Inconsciamente una persona attua dei filtri comunicativi (i soliti condizionamenti sociali, familiari e religiosi), che ne impedicono una “vera apertura espressiva”… e inoltre le persone normalmente non sono consapevoli dei loro processi interiori e quindi anche quando sono convinte di dire la verità, esprimono invece una loro verità parziale e condizionata!
Questo è un processo purtroppo “normale” tra noi occidentali… ma mi chiedo sempre se si possa considerare normale il livello comunicativo della nostra società..?!

Remember that the words a person can easily lie to you, but if you watch and know the rules of body language, it becomes more difficult ... but if you become sensitive to the energy that the person expresses, it becomes impossible to lie to you! ;-)

fact I just heard the words, look at the body signals, but also "feel" the energy with which you communicate to me ...
course, as usual, to get to this knowledge and energy necessary to exercise constant practice of "warning to others" ... but there are now commercially valuable books and courses that teach tricks to good communication and language body, which can help you. Free
but you can practice by observing the posture of your body when you speak, and the tone of your voice ... because they reveal a lot about you and who really is speaking within you! ;-)

Then, before you speak, always made these questions:-I am
unconsciously sucking energy / time to another person? I am unconsciously giving
-energy / time to another person?
I'm really talking from my-Aware Ego? -Some
my inner self is talking to "my place"?

Well finish this second post reminding you that good communication, like all the rest, you learn sperimentando… e che nel prossimo parlerò del punto 3 e 4, ovvero degli altri due pilastri della buona comunicazione:
-concentrazione (focus) su che cosa vogliamo dire in realtà-
-connessione energetica con l’altra persona-

Ti donerò anche altri buoni trucchi per imparare a difenderti dalle persone che sono dei “vampiri energetici” :-).
Ciao, un abbraccio dal cuore, Simone.

P.S: ricordati che puoi lasciare un tuo commento qui sotto ;-)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Best Dvd Recorder Of October 2009

1958 1963 San Angelo

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Panasonic Digital Slrs Great First Step

Pier Niceto: school band photos Scams

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190xdb Tripod Great Tripod!!

Award Gymkhana car fiat 500 1970 -1975 -1954 -1963

Organizzata dal Clubs Giovani 71.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Instant Sticker Camera Outstanding Fun!

Saper comunicare, il futuro dell'Umanità

Ciao :-)
Eccomi qua da solo in casa nel giorno di Pasqua a scrivere il nuovo post… il che la dice lunga su come sono messo con i miei impegni Working ... however Happy Easter even though it is now at the end ;-).
Wednesday'm finally on holiday in France, and so I will not remain any more time today to write the new article.

In the survey I did on the last post Angels revealed that want to tell you about the energy / entity "is not love what they love," but before you start this new trend that I feel I must take the issue Communication!
Also because I do not want to miss the main impression of this blog, or psychological ...

on this important subject I have already written two other posts: "Why women talk a lot" 2008 and "talk: the secret of the word" 2009.

Well, we start by finding a fundamental men and women are social beings, so you can not not communicate!
The problem is what we communicate, how we do it and whether (in our conversations) to communicate what we really want!

Second base of my speech, the word is a great way to communicate! Let me explain ... there are alien races and entities, like the angels themselves, who communicate in another way ... with phenomena such as telepathy or channeling or Walk-In, but I stay in my mind that the word is beautiful!
are forms of communication that I know and admire, but for me to speak and hear the voice of the other, in all its differences and different modes of expression, still remains a fascinating phenomenon ... up to the beauty of the song that mixes with music, beautiful! :-)

course it all depends on what one communicates ... last night for example, as almost every Saturday night: - /, there have been drunk that they started arguing in the street below my room.
Even with the windows closed, so I could hear the distant voices, the sounds of the vibration was so bad that I had to put on a cd quiet music to cover it ... and the same goes for all the noises that invade our cities.
now even mainstream science is understanding the importance of noise in our lives.

I think we all agree in saying that the times and society we live in are very advanced in the media but more difficult in the event of communication itself!

If we think this is an amazing paradox: -0!?

now turn to the street and hear many different languages \u200b\u200bthat do not understand, and therefore does not help us to integrate with others.
Even those who speak the same language we can only communicate through a very small percentage of words that we have expressed in conversation.
The majority of the words that we express in a speech does not communicate anything really, but we need to vent excess energy or suck energy from others!
understand this is a great awareness. Among
'll explain a bit better ...

Communication problems that we involve all aspects of our lives; 1) the Inner 2) the social 3) the spiritual.

inner aspect of communication:
Often a person who can not communicate, has several injuries che hanno creato questo blocco dentro di lui/lei, senza contare che noi siamo figli di una generazione di padri e madri che raramente ci hanno insegnato come comunicare con gli altri..!
Se poi guardiamo i modelli sociali (tv, mass media ecc..) che ci hanno condizionato, Dio ci aiuti…
L’altro aspetto Interiore molto importante che dobbiamo osservare è che spesso (usando la terminologia del Voice Dialogue), il Sé Interiore che comunica, non è lo stesso che ha pensato ciò che vuole comunicare!

Per esempio, quante volte la tua Bambina Bisognosa si è espressa attraverso di te e ha detto qualcosa di diverso che avresti voluto dire al tuo compagno..? Oppure, how many times taken by the anger you say things that you wanted to say ..?
Think and you'll see that it is so ;-)
True communication can only occur when there is no connection and centering themselves .
To get to this level, the first thing is to learn to listen, then listen to any good inner self that speaks within us, and watch out ... that is expressed as "who is really talking about when your communication!

social aspect of communication:

How many wars and social tensions are now among human beings?
Too many for sure! :-( Why do
you? Also for reasons of greed, power, wealth, religion, etc. ... but all this is powered by non-communication between the parties.

communicate means first of all learn to listen.
listen and communicate are the two "archetypes" that generate empathy.
without empathy toward the other, evil wins!

lack of empathy, or the inability to see, hear, "respect the other than you," closes the connection with your heart and then released by the demons that we have inside ...

At the trial of the Nazis at Nuremberg (November 20, 1945 - October 1, 1946) American psychiatrist a cui fu chiesto di definire come i nazisti avevano potuto commettere tali atrocità, rispose alla fine di tutti gli interrogatori, che il male che avevano commesso i nazisti era figlio dell’obbedienza cieca a una “causa superiore” e della totale mancanza di empatia che i tedeschi avevano nei confronti degli altri esseri umani.
Prova a fare il paragone con tutti gli integralisti che ci sono al mondo, e vedrai che il male si manifesta dentro di noi sempre attraverso le stesse vie e gli stessi difetti.
Quindi pensa a cosa possono comunicare le persone che “parlano con le mani”, e come questo significhi che si sia già perso il livello dell’ascolto e dell’empatia con l’altro.

Learning to listen and communicate is not only an internal problem, but a social problem of global significance!
It 's a fundamental step of Human Evolution on this planet and in this "plane of existence."

spiritual aspect of communication:
In all ancient cultures, and I repeat all, there are stories about vampires or people that eat energy / blood of someone else!
E 'an archetype interesting if you look from the anthropological point of view, and I think it refers to the unconscious mechanism inherent in every human being, which is to suck the energy from other people.
We are, unconsciously, all of the potential energy vampirism ... and we are also constantly sucked ourselves from other people and other entities!
With regard to other entities, will speak in the specific topic of "those who love what is love" ... but here I speak of this mechanism among people.

In other posts I've discussed the fact that women produce when they talk about serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is central nervous system and plays an important role in regulating mood, sleep, body temperature, appetite and even of sexuality!
Therefore, women in particular need to talk too much emotional strain for download ... but many men who often have a feminine side manifesto.
All we know as the tension, excitement, etc. ... and that is manifested by a hormonal deficiency or excess, is actually energy!
and energy follows thought, which is a manifestation of the word.

So people (not just women) when they talk too much, "download", literally, the negative energy that have accumulated in their lives on the other person, liberation.
This almost always happens between people, creating a mechanism of communication / energy wrong, because as everyone is charged with negative energy "donatali" by another person, who in turn "will give" to other people! In practice we spend
"garbage energy" throughout the day, and almost all people: - /.

Then we are surprised why people come home stressed and distorted by day ... with all other forms of pollution we are under and we'll get it :-(.

Then there is another mechanism on imported energy to think ... there are people who unconsciously, but sometimes at the conscious level, "suck" the literally vital energy from other people!
Have you ever found in a situation where you had to speak in front of a person, and after you finish the conversation you felt tired and drained ..?!
is in fact in the debate the other person using the word but she sucked so many words ... your energy!
This dynamic is common among humans and years of work with other people it happened to me many times of having to be accountable to a person, usually in good faith and unaware of his unconscious mechanism that, as of speaking (not talking ) with its partner, children etc. ... implement this dynamic "vampirization" of the energy of others.
Often the person unconscious vampire reacts with motions nervousness towards the other person ... and often not heard a rational feeling of dislike toward a person or just not well known.

Please remember, however, as we Westerners have a chance to do inner work on ourselves than ever before ... and we
many therapies and therapists available to us to see / know / melt our unconscious mechanisms that affect our life!

Well, today I would say that I have won a number of ideas to think about everything and I will take another post to provide some good advice ... and then the next I write, but not before April 20, will be entirely dedicated to the solutions to find a good communication!
Hello, a hug from the heart :-)

PS: remember that you can leave your comments below ;-)

PPS on 17/18 April and 1 / 2 May be held in Modena on my course on Evolutionary Construction.
It 's a wonderful course to a limited number (max 8 people), and there were only 2 seats available ... if you can interest and want information, contact me privately you are responding to an email has arrived.