Friday, February 25, 2011

Gitzo Monopod Head Nice

Sex and the Angels. EXHIBITION OF WOMEN

Hello :-) I'm here to write a new post on sexuality, in the hope that does not begin to bore you ;-) but I always have some good news to my cherished readers and readers ... this time, since the last post was very "carnal", talk about sexuality from the perspective of the Angels: -0.! fact, just read what they have told us!
fact publish, in two parts would otherwise be too long for a post, their response that I Ducted I last year in my group.

's a nice gift giving because what I'm also calculates that a dozen people have paid to be in this group, and I had to ask permission to publish this excerpt ... But it is also true that the guides you want to begin to disseminate these words and what they think on the subject, as the inner spiritual self within us have made sure the vows of chastity in previous lives and therefore have a distorted view and early sexual activity: - /.
This old packaging, I can assure you, there we all more or less ... and it is thanks to the "new education" we offer the Angels, that this inner self can be reprogrammed, allowing us to live NOW
sexuality nela our lives in a calm and open :-).

Well, now I leave the word directly to their words ... and excuse the pun ;-) the second part of this beautiful Contact publish it next Thursday or Friday!
I will not send you another email newsletters in order not to disturb you, so remember to watch the blog next week. It
approvitto alert you to the upcoming events in my association RadicieAli : Sunday, March 6

Group with Angels from 13:30 to 19.

From March 10 to 14 we will be
Canton Ticino, Switzerland, for a residential workshop on Evolutionary Construction. This is an experiential journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot, to experience, activate, turn these powerful archetypes within us. Besides the theoretical part will be a large section devoted to energy exercises to work on the body and dance, which will come into direct personal contact with these archetypal forces within us. This is primarily an inside job of integrating our various inner self.

19 and 20 March and 2 and April 3 we will of course Psychics Evolutionary .
will be divided into two week end e si terrà presso la sede della nostra Associazione Radici e Ali a Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna.
Per informazioni sul corso clicca sul link in basso:

Il 16 e 17 Aprile, presso la sede della nostra Associazione Radici e Ali, terremo il seminario "Ricostruzioni Energetiche Familiari,la Famiglia dell'Anima" .
Per informazioni su questo seminario clicca sul link in basso:


Saluti a voi tutti. Respiriamo un poco ancora insieme, lasciateci un attimo di tempo to go well in your vibration.
smile with you in talking about this issue that we do not mind, does not disturb us. Certainly we see that is an important issue for this historic moment, but in truth has always been a crucial issue, a fundamental point of your awareness and that is why there has always been a use, abuse, a misuse of this energy is Now, in both eras past, your sexuality.
What can we say from our point of view?
Before coming to talk about the current situation of your company, your background, your influences, let's talk a little in a general sense of this theme.
from the beginning, Since the creation that you can consider also as an act also of sexuality, a sexuality on a cosmic scale, even at a level unimaginable in your mind, your awareness now.
Your mind, your awareness on this issue is now more or less strongly affected, but more on that later.
why we please listen to our words by heart, from your heart without for a moment, for a few minutes of each condition and be able to see, look at this issue as any other issue related to energy use and misuse of energy, your energy.

beginning the Creator created himself, has manifested itself in an even-polarity, it has created and manifested Himself as God the Father and God the Mother and the vibrational level of the Spirit, even the Spirit took and took a formation energy more masculine or feminine.
This is an experiment in creation, is a game of Divinity manifesting itself and a new level of evolution.

Other beings, what we call Aliens, what we call your brothers, or even other breeds that are hostile to your growth, have to deal with this issue, make mistakes very similar to yours, and indeed since started this Plan of Exhibition Universal have been committed many of these errors. We, however, what you call mistakes often call them as experiments, developmental experiences, because you see the difficulty level of the Spirit in the Soul is to maintain the capacity to experience life in male and female, and then marry and to take literally the vibrations, the energies of the physical body, which is a sexual body.

Your influences of which we are interested in even talking that much, these constraints dictated by your religion, have meant that for some reasons we shall explain later, there is an antagonism between these aspects of polarity of male and female ... But back to the soul that experiences it. Of course this manifests in the male, lives in male or female lives by marrying and then also deeply aware of what it means to be feminine and be men, this differentiation has led the Soul to forget the original purpose of collecting and expressing the unity between these two polarizing issues.
So you have, so to speak, identified much in the past in what was only the quality of the female or exclusively male and that the quality of life also in sexuality, beyond the various influences that have compounded and exacerbated these identifications. But there is
Feedback for this event, and if you first understand that there is feedback on the issue of sexuality is simply because this is a condition which you accepted, you married in your past life and you still manifested itself in the form of religious influences .

There may be an opinion on what is God's creation because if evolution itself has created your body, a body so full of sensuality, can experience and use of sexuality and sensuality as a form of pleasure as well as a form of procreation, there can be no mistake in the scheme of evolution, Creation and the Dream of God!
add an exclamation point because this is for you the essential base from which to approach this topic from leaf through every limitation, any indoctrination or any partial view. Of course, as also rightly
this channel (Simon) you pointed out, ours is also a partial view of reality because it lacks the actual physical experience.
But we're telling you our vision, which is from the perspective of the Origin, and Energy.

And in this vision would wonder why there is this need to divide into evolutionary sexes? Why
imagine that in this division the One who made male and female, who became the Spirit Soul and experiencing the screw in the male and female, is not weakened but rather in the reunification of the sexual and by unleashing the energy of sexual union There is more than a person who meets the other because there is a union, a powerful manifestation of energy.
And for that matter, always on the ground to feed on these energies manifested in a distorted way that classes have created religious taboos related to sexuality, have created the war between the gods have created this "thought forms" division, have created this overwhelming obsession dell’energia maschile in questo momento storico sull’energia femminile.

Ma vedete questa aspetto un attimo fuori dagli schemi di violenza, fuori dagli schemi sociali o identificativi di essere uomini e donne, vedetelo come tutto un processo creato perfettamente affinché vi possa essere una mal comprensione e quindi una mala manifestazione di ciò che è l’unione corporea e quindi di ciò che è il manifestarsi dell’energia sessuale in maniera corretta.
Ogniqualvolta vi è un abuso, ogniqualvolta vi è una distorsione, questa energia così potente viene succhiata letteralmente da parassiti, altre entità o anche alcune forme pensiero che vivono e crescono nutrendosi della vostra sexual energy used in the wrong way or simply not used.
You must be remembered that all the energy that repress and not known which relate to your sexuality, then is an energy that manifests itself in a distorted way in your mind, and energy flowing through the first chakra is distorted and remains in the circulation.
But this is flawed and results in a vicious circular thoughts, obsessive and certainly in tension, and all tension, all of these positive thoughts attract not necessarily someone who eats this.

Sure you can observe with a certain irony in Evolution perfection, because from a certain point of view also when not properly expressed your growth, your development and then fed when other beings with your weaknesses, however, is always a certain amount of food in your neighborhood and through your neighborhood.
Evolution whole also draws on these forms of nourishment, and even slower in this form, there is a long and distorted growth.
Once again we will see how evolution actually move through the principle of "minimum effort for maximum results ill" and nothing, nothing is missing.

This concepitelo, Understand this well or that the vacuum energy draws a full, then empty any situation richiama energia, richiama presenze, qualsiasi situazione di spreco o di cattivo uso o di non uso richiama presenze che non disprezzeranno queste energie.

Per centinaia di anni, forse anche migliaia di anni, vi siete mossi con questa modalità, lasciando che energie inespresse o represse fossero utilizzate da altri, ma adesso è il momento di comprendere e attingere completamente ad ogni vostra possibilità, ad ogni vostro strumento.
Voi siete come artigiani dell’evoluzione che avete ogni strumento a vostra disposizione e ogni mezzo, ma non li utilizzate abbastanza.
Certo non abbiamo la presunzione che dopo stasera ogni vostro blocco che vive in voi da secoli venga sciolto, ma speriamo veramente con il nostro heart that our presence, our explanations are like a stone thrown into the pond that will create vibration, create consequences, will create a positive momentum and acceptance, a new vision for you.

We have already talked about how other species have made a bad use of these energies, we have made a concrete example of the breed of those who call the Grays and had such devastating side effects in their growth to lose ' use of sexuality.
this example we use today to make you understand something fundamental about sexuality ...
Many of you have read many books, you have many theories, many therapies, some very valid, but we see that there has always been an overly partial to what is the potential of sexuality.
Each of you, and here I broaden the discussion beyond the presentation by a social discourse, we see cases of life when you have not lived using the sexual energy. Have you experienced chastity, blocking the sexual energy as a tool for development, or alleged.
We have also seen how in some cases there is just looks like a lost and carnal instincts of sexuality, or as in others there is only a search for the mystical, tantric, spiritual sexuality.
In general, however, we want you to see now how your sexuality is manifested in the physical body in what are your Chakras low, however, involves all of your chakra, your every look, every part of yourself.
slide from first to seventh Chakra, you can experience the experiences of sexuality more instinctual, more emotional, more heart, more than union, merging with the other or even more impersonal experiences of sexuality, because going up in your Chakra is high possible for you to experiment with sexuality in an impersonal way. With impersonal sexuality mean a more mystical you to all colleagues that your partner or yourself.

E 'can be experienced all these different aspects, and how to apply this theme of the main rules, each of you will face a different level of evolution, so tonight we would like you to understand, to live and do not throw more this energy.
Understand that if misused or not used it will be used by other entities, this is the point.
Then we can not go into detail, there may be a rule exact for all those who respect your wishes, and that quality, as if to say, I like to express the inherent sexuality.
as manifested this energy, there is a space of your own free will, your different mode of human beings, men or women.

Beautiful is not it?
not add anything and I'll reflect on these words ... next week, a hug from the heart :-)

PS: course you look in the comments, even if tomorrow I'll be away for the weekend, and maybe I will take some time to answer ;-).

PPS: I am writing this just several days after publishing the Post, to tell you that, contrary to what I wrote above, the second part of the public contact as a gift for Tuesday, March 8 Women's Day :-) I'm sorry but
I realized that the contact is good and I want to correct these days are out per lavoro... in più mi ero anche dimenticato della festa delle donne (perchè io le festeggio sempre),e quindi arriverò preciso per martedì ;-)
Abbi solo un po di pazienza, ma vedrai che dopo sarai ricompensata!
Un abbraccio dal cuore, Simone.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bezpłatne Hostingi Stron

SPECTRO .. racy Salernitana

La S.P.E.C.T.R.O...Crazia
salerno The speculators, a gang of scoundrels surrounding the mayor. An organization's business-political power that dominates the city exerts its business and its activities illegal slyly with a primary goal: the private financial gain. Careful and vigilant about the development of the city is ready to take possession of entire raid doing well economically important areas of public money. The action
It identifies an area you plan a bureaucratic aspect in relation to territorial development is also supported by legal figures takes action.
The practice schedule continues with a litany of harassment aimed at those who hinders the path by using a formal legality, the military "private" status of some bodies prepare inspection finding (in plain clothes behind precise signaling inspect the premises and identify incompatibilities with regulatory actions aimed at the person and then officially break in the exercises, identify breaches and establish an attitude vexatious. The practice continued with the harassment occurs at the end of previously acquired information and identify the various problems within the core of consequence we act on them causing further distress and if the interest is significant acts of violence occurring natural tendency to demolish structurally such thefts, fights etc ... remote-control as a last resort also remove physics.
Meanwhile, the city lives a permanent narcosis also from information procured locally totally subservient to the current policy creates several media obscuring dynamic city steeped in cunning and illegal use of a formal legality.

The SPECTRO racy .... Salernitana

Autorpoduzione video Socialab Sgomberato "BimbeSquatters"
Audio 99 Posse

Monday, February 14, 2011

Remington 870mcs Modular Combat Shotgun

February 13, 2011 Happy Valentine's Day and

Ciao :-)
Scrivo oggi questo post non previsto per festeggiare con voi tutte/i il fantastico successo della manifestazione delle donne di ieri ;-)
Finalmente le coscienze collettive si stanno risvegliando sempre più anche in Italia e, come auspico da molto tempo, i vecchi poteri si stanno sgretolando!

Purtroppo ieri non ho potuto partecipare in any event because I had a group of seven women and one man, but now I had an hour of time and I felt like celebrating this event! I'm really pleased with the success of the event :-).
I do not think that those who are mad at the government will import some of what has happened and in their blindness and ignorance will not change any of their strategies nor do they in any way put into question ... but this is obvious and must not discourage us because it is from them that will change but the basic unit of society, or from us.

I can write a summary of what they said our guide in recent years about the time of planetary awakening we are experiencing:

In late October 2008 said that the government of the psycho-dwarf (just to mention even his name ;-)), would begin to collapse after two years ... if you remember and weigh its crisis began in November 2010!
It is still in power only because of its collusion and because he has the courage to go to the polls ...

2) have always said that change had to come from raising consciousness and women, moving the "squares". This also because the energy of 2011 was favorable for the fall of dictatorships that still exist in the Western world ... just see what happened in Egypt ;-)

3) Even all astrologers (the good ones) I know, confirm that from March of 2011 and for several months in Italy will be playing a very important energy transit! Just to be clear, very similar to that which led to the French Revolution ... then you're ready / or a lot 'of changes.

Well, my break is over and then I salute you with my usual hug and sincere from the heart :-) and (almost forgot) you do best wishes for a wonderful Valentine's evening with your mate momentaneamnte and if you're single, do not despair because the era of Love is getting closer and soon you'll love you too ;-)

PS: this week are really too busy, but next to Wednesday or Thursday, I will write a new post on sexuality! :-)