us and God, the secret of self-reference!
Ciao :-)
Eccomi qua a finire questa serie di post che ritengo molto importanti… l’ultimo dei quattro argomenti dopo gli articoli su come diventare Autonomi , Autosufficenti e Indipendenti , è quello sull’Autoreferenza.
Questa è una parola strana e poco conosciuta del nostro vocabolario, ed esprime un concetto/realtà molto importante per la nostra Crescita Personale ed Evoluzione Spirituale.
Onestamente non so neanche se il significato che il vocabolario della lingua Italiana attribuisce this term is the same as I give myself, but what matters is the message I give you.
Now that you have recommended to help you become autonomous in making your choices in life, to become self-sufficient in managing your money and your physical movements, emotional in Independence by family ... today I tell you how to become self-referral in your relationship with God!
That is, help you become aware that we are the Co-Creator of the Universe!
But before I do need a long introduction ... and get ready for today I will speak ill of Religions and skeptics ;-).
as a teenager I have always wondered how can be a subjective reality?
This question continues to reflect upon why I keep seeing that incredibly internal and external conflicts (war) than men, are created from this point: see reality as its own reality! Notice how I wrote the same uppercase and lowercase word ;-).
There may be a subjective view of reality and events of life, but not the reality itself!
The reality that we live in is made of the Universal Laws, which are then more or less well or badly interpreted, but it is still universal laws ..!
Perhaps the law of gravity works differently for a jew or for a Christian?
The Moon, the Sun, the sunrises and the sunsets, tides, all natural events occur in a different way for you and a Muslim?
The operation of the human body, with its laws of physics, biochemistry, physiology and energy work differently in an Arab or an American?
When I worked as a healthcare assistant, I have seen and assisted 16 people at the time of the passage to death.
people were all different from each other and belonged to those categories so dear to us: the right and left, likes and dislikes, good and bad, rich and poor ... but the Laws of Sickness, Death, Ignorance and Fear , made them all very similar in the past days and times of their lives.
They have all faced that moment with pain and fear, and my eyes were all very similar and in need of help, comfort and care.
What I mean by that speech?
that ignorance of the universal law that governs the evolution in the universe, is the basis for almost all our internal divisions and external.
But the universe, evolution, God or whatever you call it, is beyond our misunderstandings, divisions, etc. ... it is the objective reality that includes all of our small subjective realities.
This speech of course has nothing to do with religion because, as I was told many times by "my" Guide, religious beliefs have almost nothing to do with reality!
And this goes for all religions ...
fact one of the great "delusions" that afflict the man for thousands of years, is the division between believers and skeptics, science against faith ...
Today is one of the excuses with which men are "fun" to distract from our research and experience the reality!
Remember the principles of the Voice Dialogue, we are composed of many internal aspects, so many sub-personalities ... and those who believe or are skeptical is only one aspect of us, who lives in our intuitive mind (right side of our brain), or in our rational mind (left), not our essence, our center or Aware Ego!
In the "New Era", the word believe, should be deleted from the vocabulary and replaced by the word experience!
believe and have faith is to basically live the experience that another has done for you, be it a teacher, a guru, a priest
etc ... If "you decide" (but will never really a conscious choice ..?) To be believer, presents your personal power to anyone who induces you to trust in his experience, not yours! All dressed
also dalla paura profonda di un Dio punitivo e iracondo, come la Bibbia ci ha inculcato nel profondo del nostro inconscio... o nell’idea che se diventi martire ti aspettano le vergini in paradiso :-0!!
Ma tutto questo sistema di credenze, funziona poi? Le persone “di fede” che hai conosciuto nella tua vita ti sembrano serene o centrate?
E’ impossibile in verità… per semplici motivi psicoenergetici.
Un credente doc, ha sempre un profondo senso di inadeguatezza e insicurezza, visto che la sua credenza non è un’esperienza diretta, e questa profonda agitazione interiore lo spinge a fare proseliti e divulgare la propria fede per colmare questa agitazione profonda dell’anima… up to the folly of making war for religions! :-(
Many people have asked me, but you believe in God?
my translation, "but you believe in the nonsense that tells you a church, a priest and so on.?" My answer: no, I do not believe it!
Take another upset and asked: "But then how do you do what you do?"
definitive answer: "I do not believe in God, but I experience God, which is very different ..." This
deep tranquility that comes from my experience I can live happily without feeling the need to play to my neighbors and persuade them to force my beliefs or disclose my word, as many believers ...
Hopefully people who come to me asking me to tell them my experience as a channeler, etc ... is very different!
Those who know me well, knows that they are also reserved in the back and talk about my past and also because of my experiences are very "subjective", is experience.
In my work I help my clients to experience the truth of care, rebirth, evolution within them, not to believe what I say.
This is the principle of self-reference! Making direct experience of the love of God within themselves and in their lives by maniferstarlo ' Aware Ego.
I hope to be able to explain well what I wanted to communicate ... and attention, the same holds true for an atheist / skeptic.
who believes only in science, in the end "believes he did not believe" how do we decide to change the master but always remain a slave, because you will always be governed by an inner self and only one aspect of his complex personality and wonderful .
Remember that these dichotomies that so divide us, not have appeared randomly in our society, but were fed with art by "those who love what is not love" because they decide (but ultimately it is never a choice), if be credente o scettico è sempre una questione di Potere, Paura e Controllo!
In tante sedute che ho fatto con la tecnica del Voice Dialogue, ho “intervistato” diverse volte questa parte della mente umana, ovvero la parte solo razionale.
La mente logica è sempre un Sé Interiore maschile (anche nelle donne) ed adibito al controllo nella tua vita.
Controllo che in parte ci vuole, ma questo Sé Interiore è come se impazzisse dentro di noi e diventa ossessionato dal controllo.
Essendo incapace di provare Fiducia (qualità che risiede nel cuore e non nella mente) vive nella paura di perdere questo potere e si polarizza perfettamente con l’altro Sé Interiore di un credente che delega il proprio potere personale ad una chiesa.
Capisci che questa è la dinamica psicoenergetica tra i fedeli e gli scettici, che va ancora avanti come una eterna replica di Don Camillo e Peppone… due facce di una stessa medaglia che vale poco davanti agli occhi dell’Evoluzione.
Anche l’Ateismo è un potente blocco all’esperienza di Dio, di cui uno scettico ha una profonda paura :-/
Quindi ricapitolando, la polarità tra gli scettici e i credenti è in realtà un altro trucco creato da “coloro che Amano ciò che non è Amore”, ed è una falsa dicotomia creata ad arte per tenere ingabbiato la tua Evoluzione.
Molto probabilmente se you are a believer, are you afraid of your power and you will always be bound by what some priests tell you, but if you're a skeptic, you're afraid of losing your power and your (limited) control over your life.
In both cases, since there remains a profound spirit of fear, you'll be hard to give a boost to your evolution, because it will always lack the opportunity to experience free love in your life.
Whether you are a skeptic or a sucker, you're still giving away your energy and your true personal power to someone ... if you are skeptical and just live your life with the rational mind, you probably are not using your spiritual side and miss the wonderful qualities that your inner self can give you emotional.
This means that you thought only a certain type and at a vibration that will consistently close to your heart.
This favors those forces who "love that is not love," and the man who wants to keep to minimum of their ability / power, and therefore more easily controlled and manipulated.
Remember ... live is always absolute the prelude to the arrogance and fanaticism of any kind!
So my final suggestion is to stop believing in what you say to others and begin to experience God = Love = Awareness in your life in any form, anywhere and everywhere! This is the way to find and live your personal power and be self-referral in your life because we are the co-creator of the universe, not the creators!
This means that we are creators of our lives, whether we are aware and free from conditioning, but within and in accordance with the Universal Laws that govern the evolution of the universe :-).
Well, now I salute you and if I see in the comments is not clear what I wanted to communicate, write the second installment of this post ...
A hug from the heart, Simone.
PS: the image that you saw in half post is the Ouroboros, which is the symbol of self-reference to the alchemists.
PPS: have given a 'look at the new site of my association ;-)