Monday, July 26, 2010

Camera Lenses Guide Extremely Useful.

Matthew Meo 1950


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Compact Camera Lenses Freaky Fun

FATHER Nastase, a man, a priest.

was not a man for the big windows. His superiors, thinking about the way how to use it, imagined for him, more and less important assignments.

Sometimes, in the Church, what happens does not seem to have a precise meaning. This, however, in the eyes of those who, to assess, using the usual measure of human feeling. Neglects, in fact, that behind every decision you hide the transcendence of the divine knowledge. There is always, therefore, a precise determination. That is, to allocate everything in the right place because you accomplish a precise plan. And, just thinking about this, as inconsistency dissolves, any disharmony revert the order of the melody which will win and make you understand.

A father Antonino Nastasi, on the other, in a ceremony of thanks to those who had shared with him the joy of the order, the mother had expressed wishes for some kind of allegations. No. At the end of his speech, as a good omen, had given the message that's delivered with three symbols that represent their meaning.

In his simplicity he said, 'Son, I give you a white lily because of its candor that you can play your soul, a violet because of his humility could make a rule e un ramo di acuminate spine perché tu sappia quanto difficile sia il cammino che porta a Dio.

Il giovane sacerdote, dopo provvisori incarichi di supporto in varie parrocchie, venne destinato a Braidi, una piccolissima frazione di Montalbano Elicona. Nascosta tra le irte pendici dei monti Nebrodi e servita solo da viottoli e mulattiere. Raggiunse Falcone in treno e poi in cammino, a piedi, con il peso della sua valigia. Dopo una sosta per dormire, in un’aia dove i contadini trebbiavano le messi, alle prime luci dell’alba, entrò nell’abitato di Braidi.

Solo un gruppo di case, sparse qua e là per le campagne, una piccola chiesa ed un buon numero di persone, per lo più contadine.

Il tempo di rendersi conto della realtà nella quale era chiamato ad operare, dei tantissimi bisogni esistenti , anche i più elementari, di apprezzare la bontà di quella brava gente che portò sempre nel cuore e poi un trasferimento.

Santissimo Salvatore, una frazione del comune di Rocca Valdina, ancora più piccola di Braidi.

Di essa, le cartine geografiche, anche le più dettagliate, non facevano alcuna menzione. E c’era più che una ragione per non farla. Si trattava infatti di un aggregato di casette, di tipo agricolo, posto sulla riva destra del torrente S. Salvatore, capace di accogliere un centinaio di persone. Poco più, poco meno. Nessuna strada. Solo viottoli a fondo interrato. L’acqua per bere, per le pulizie, veniva attinta da qualche pozzo. Niente fognatura. Il modo come rischiarare l’interno di quelle piccole case era quello del dopo guerra: qualche lume a petrolio e per il resto piccole “lumere” ad olio.

Una stanza attrezzata a cappella ed una campana erano gli strumenti a disposizione del giovane parroco.

In compenso, tra tanta penuria, scoprì tanto amore tra la gente. Nel suo animo scattò come una molla. In maniera forte e prorompente esplose in lui l’esigenza di dare aiuto a quella gente della quale si sentiva sempre più padre e custode. Pensò di sensibilizzare le autorità comunali, di indurle a riflettere sullo stato di insopportabile disagio nel quale vivevano those people. He shouted to all and in all places respect for human dignity. He spoke of human responsibility and moral. He did it with what the man had Nastasi in: courage, strength and willingness to fight for the protection of those inalienable values.

Many fine words in response. We will see many, many will. In reality, no concrete action and that, increasingly exacerbating his soul, gave him a further boost to insist, to fight the good fight.

He decided to give substance to his initiative. He thought of leading a real protest movement. So peaceful, as decided.

the early hours of dawn of an established day, with the vigorous ringing of her bell gathered around the church all his parishioners. Men, women and children that many mothers brought in baskets tied behind the back. He gave them a brief speech. On his way, vibrated, and convincingly, why not moving. He said that their task was only to follow it. With great dignity and without events broken down. It was up to him alone to talk, just had to be his responsibility.

were all present those of S. Savior. Obedient and faithful around the young priest who, increasingly, it appeared to their eyes as the symbol of their freedom, their rights. To achieve

Rocca Valdina there was no other if not inaccessible paths that we all knew. Around eight o'clock all were in the square outside the town hall. Nastasi father thought that some of his own parishioners, "if it was sung because there waiting for them, not only found the Mayor and other administrators as well as Lieutenant of Police with many men, equipped to stave off any manifestation of disorder .

Ben knew that the officer in charge of that movement was the young priest. Indeed, he spoke with the admonition to dissolve immediately quell'adunanza people. Nastasi father showed no signs of slowing down. Recognized as an unorthodox but his initiative, his heart in his hand, asked the lieutenant to see the state of need of those people, to voice and if it falls within its powers to certify that its inhumane and unsustainable situation.

man in uniform, all in one piece, shown to have feelings of deep understanding and a strong sense of professional responsibility and ethics.

followed his father to San Salvatore Nastasi, took note of the seriousness of the situation and then became the star of several reports that paved the way for a new era.

Since then, father Nastasi establish relations with various politicians. Attitudes towards them but never allegiance. For them, he kept the back straight but jovial and pleasant ways. He often said: the politicians, being with me and engaging with the needs of the weak have learned to regard their task as a task assigned by God

Since they had the aid so they could make mains, sewers, waterworks, roads internal and connection, a new church, schools, housing, works for the leisure of young people and anything else necessary to the population, meanwhile, was growing in population and civic consciousness. This

Nastasi the man. What, in the silence, it was appreciated, admired and loved for the depth of his feelings and for their generosity, even of his niente.

La statura della sua personalità, pur se lievitata senza osanna, sembrava avesse finito col isolare entro limiti angusti ed impropri, la spiritualità profonda che animava invece il Nastasi sacerdote. È motivo assai ricorrente, infatti, che i riflettori orientati sugli aspetti più appariscenti di un individuo finiscono con l’oscurarne i valori più nobili, quelli su cui si fonda la dimensione spirituale della sua anima.

Le sue omelie, intense, toccanti, dense di riferimenti biblici ed accostamenti alla vita dell’uomo, erano una sorta di biglietto da visita del suo essere sacerdote. Un modo, quasi, di pregare a voce alta, una maniera forte ed incisiva per trasferire nell’animo the strength of its faithful to the Word of God is a prayer that made it more intense, to the sublime, with the singing of its choir.

And when, towering above the moments of apparent aridity of the soul, thought, liked to recall, I possess a refuge: the moral, the central point of human life and the good Christian.

Nastasi Goodbye Father, through the power of your mind, for humility raccomandatati from your mom, God, Father of the humble and strong, appreciating the difficulties experienced on the path that leads to Him, we are more than certain, it will become that crown of thorns in the crown that encircles the righteous.

Peppino Scibilia

San Pier Niceto 11.06.2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

E71 Camera Flash Mostly A Well Thought-out Guide

The self-sufficiency in their lives.

Hello :-) It 's been a month since last post but I'm done now to fix the last board in my new house, and now I can finally say that I finished the move!
I now remains to fix a little 'things in the new home and take care of most of my new association "Roots and Wings" in Casalecchio-BO-but I'd be down ... and even now I start to write and doing the Blog ;-)

In the other post I started to explain a series of lessons divided into 4 different topics but also related to one another ... starting with some important thoughts on how to be autonomous in their lives .
Autonomy defined as the ability to make their own choices in Liberty.
In this post I will talk about how to be self-sufficient in managing their money and physical movements, speak in the near Independence understood as an emotional freedom from family ties, and the fourth to be as self-referential in their relationship with God, and then direct our communication with the Divine and the importance of the path of growth.

Well, let's start :-)
Today I will talk about money and cars ... and I bet you just thought that these arguments are typically male, is not it?
you say "but how come Simon writes about these topics in a blog dedicated to women!"?
E 'that's the point ... so far these "thought forms" have been absolute domination of men in our patriarchal culture, and this has created many problems for women.
Of course this process to regain self-sufficiency, women in the West has already begun for years, but in Italian women is not yet fully succeeded.
Not to mention the situation of women in the "Islamic world" because I want to cry :-(.

The point is this: have a car to move and have their own source of income for women is very important for its growth and evolution!

For too long le donne Italiane sono state limitate nella propria vita dalla mancanza di questi due fattori fondamentali e questo le ha portate ad essere vincolate pesantemente a degli uomini, creando forti Dinamiche di Vincolo

Per quanto riguarda il discorso auto, è molto semplice e veloce la soluzione: una donna deve prendere la patente e poter avere la possibilità di guidare un auto per permettersi tutti gli spostamenti che vuole!
Forse ti sorprenderà sapere di quante donne ho conosciuto che non guidavano o addirittura non avevano neanche la patente!
Io sono rimasto allibito nel conoscerne così tante :-0!!??
Naturalmente non sto facendo un post per fare la pubblicità alla Fiat ... I think I'm one of the few men in Italy who do not care almost nothing about the new machines, etc. ... I only had a one and a Twingo since 1988 and I do not like driving so much.

Then I think you will agree with me in thinking that the auto industry / oil is one of the major causes of pollution of the planet, and I can not wait to get out the electric car to scrap my car .. . so I'm writing this invitation to own a car and drive the car only in an optical "symbolic / energetic", but also very pragmatic and quotitidiana!
I happened to observe, both in my private life in my work, how to change inside a woman when she begins to drive their car
Self-esteem increases a lot together with the possibilities of moving, and then to meet new people and see new places.
Our mind and soul need new input, which can also come from "leaving your comfort zone and enjoy new experiences ...

course the type of vehicle that ferries us to new experiences and to our autonomy is not so important ...... it could also be a motorcycle or scooter. What matters is the freedom of movement!

now begin to speak of financial autonomy, which is a much more complex e lungo da trattare.
Devo fare tre premesse prima di iniziare;
1) non sono un esperto eccezionale riguardo al tema denaro/ricchezza perché come tutti ho avuto anche io tantissimi problemi economici nella mia vita.
Per questo motivo però mi sono interessato molto a questo tema, proprio per cercare di capire perché abbiamo così tanti problemi con i soldi, e ho già scritto alcuni articoli/commenti nel Web, imparando tantissimo dal mio amico Josè Scafarelli di

2) Per il Voice Dialogue, Sesso/Denaro/Potere sono un'unica energia che si manifesta in modi diversi e quindi difficilmente una persona, quando ha un problema con uno di questi fattori, not also with the other two ... and, in principle, then, for us Westerners, the relationship with the triad of sex / money / power is the biggest obstacle to overcome in our growth and evolution.

3) Given the magnitude of the subject, certainly will not be able to say anything I want on this wealth, but I assure you that we'll talk about in other posts because I think it is a very important topic!

What I understand about our relationship with money, working on myself and my clients / students, is that we have many unconscious blocks and both social and family influences, as well as living in a reality that certainly does not help our prosperity: - / see the other post.
There is an old proverb that I have always found truthful:
"If money does not bring happiness, let alone the misery ..." ;-)

In all the work I did in my career I have observed how huge blocks are unconscious that we carry inside about money, and these blocks are mainly related to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience (sex / money / power) that we have done in past lives ..!

These unconscious blocks are the reason why many people fail to attract wealth into their lives, despite many efforts and many will breeze to economic improvement.
In that regard, I suggest, as usual, to do a deep work on yourself / o and I suggest you take a look at this product which is really great!

addition to the vote that we all have done in the past, as if it were not enough: - /, there are also Family entanglements complicate our relationship with money!
For her very short, if you do not know what they are, the family entanglements are the habits and conditioning that we unconsciously inherit from our ancestors, even about money.
There is a technique called Family Constellations that takes care to help people overcome these blocks and of course ... I suggest you look in your local area a good Constellation and participate in at least a couple of times in these groups.
I also occasionally hold these groups, and the next I will in Switzerland in late August.

As you see, given the importance of this subject, I still tried to give you even more than usual practical advice to help you improve your relationship with money and wealth.
because I'm 100% convinced now that our growth as individuals and our evolution as souls, depends on how we manage to take root in our lives bringing "the Garden of Eden" qui sulla Terra!!!
Tutto questo discorso non sarà possibile se non abbracciando il nuovo concetto di ricchezza nella nostra vita, allontanandosi una volta per tutte dalle “antiche convinzioni” che l’evoluzione spirituale debba passare dalla miseria ;-)

Quindi, per concludere, ti invito caldamente a trovare in tutti i modi la tua ricchezza economica in modo da essere sempre più autonoma nella tua vita :-).
Per far questo però dovrai sicuramente cambiare qualche vecchia abitudine pratica nella tua vita, dopo aver cambiato le antiche attitudini… NON SI PUO’ CAMBIARE SE STESSI SENZA CAMBIARE QUALCOSA NELLA PROPRIA VITA, ricordatelo!
Ti offro un ultimo possible practical help, you might find interesting ... is the course of my friend Jose Scafarelli, which is a true expert in this area as well as being a very good person.

Well, I'd say I'm done and then I just have to wish you happy holidays and if you're not playing good return if you've already made.
Hello, a hug from the heart :-)

PS = The site of my new association is course is under construction but store it because at the end of July put the program of activities that will ...